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These familiar products contain poison

Some harmless products on our table are very dangerous. Who would have thought that nuts, tomatoes, salmon or potatoes should be consumed in limited quantities and with extreme caution. We offer you the TOP-12 products that can be poisonous. 1. Raw cashews Venom: allergic toxin urushiol, which is also found …

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Scientists have discovered what foods speed up metabolism

Good metabolism is the key to good health. Everyone knows that weight gain leads to many diseases that are associated with heart failure. Besides, excess weight influences the development of the human body, reducing its life expectancy. British scientists have found that metabolism can be significantly easily due to everyday …

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How to drink plain water for maximum benefit

Even water you have to drink properly. We all have long heard about the need to drink about 7-8 glasses of water every day. But what do we know about the rules of drinking plain water with health benefits? Here are some tips that will help you make the most …

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Clear blood vessels of cholesterol will help these products

They – an excellent prevention of cardiovascular diseases. Our heart just needs to the blood vessels and arteries, responsible for normal functioning of the circulatory system were not clogged with cholesterol plaques. Experts have compiled a list of foods that are most effective for prophylaxis, and in that case, if …

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Experts insist on the use of strawberry fasting days

It’s tasty and healthy. Systematic unloading in strawberries promotes weight loss a maximum of three kilograms, and guarantees the increase of vitality and recuperation. There are many variations of strawberry “unloading”. Introducing the most relevant of them. Option # 1 During the day it is recommended to only eat strawberries …

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Doctors have figured out exactly how cancer cells kill an organism

The doctors made new discoveries about cancer. British scientists have made an important discovery that will allow in the future to upgrade the treatment of cancer, thereby preventing the emergence of dangerous metastases. The corresponding article was published in the journal Nature Communications. Biologists have discovered a previously unknown principle …

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Named the fruits and vegetables that do not benefit

It turned out that not all fruit is good for the body. Researchers from several international research institutions came to the conclusion that many of the fruits have lost their usefulness for health. After the implementation of a whole set of tests the researchers made a list of fruits and …

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Tea with added life-threatening, medical

Doctors told why not to drink tea with additives. Before the eyes of the paintings come to life shifting the tea leaves with petals of rose and Jasmine, impregnation with natural oils of the Soursop and other fruits in the most ancient Chinese recipes. But what is this inscription: “identical …

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Numb hands: causes and treatment of numbness of hands

Complaints of numbness of the hands come from people of different ages and different professions. When the blood moves through the vessels, tissue enriched with oxygen and other substances needed to complete its existence. If by displacement — for example, improper sitting or lying down — can begin as numbness …

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