Home / Medicine / Experts insist on the use of strawberry fasting days

Experts insist on the use of strawberry fasting days

Эксперты настаивают на пользе клубничных разгрузочных дней It’s tasty and healthy.

Systematic unloading in strawberries promotes weight loss a maximum of three kilograms, and guarantees the increase of vitality and recuperation. There are many variations of strawberry “unloading”. Introducing the most relevant of them.

Option # 1

During the day it is recommended to only eat strawberries in an amount up to 1 kg. be Sure to observe the day of discharge to drinking water. You can drink, except still water, unsweetened tea, herbal tea and weak coffee.

Option # 2

This unloading of strawberries is popular among fans of dairy products. During the day you should consume: 1 kg of strawberries, 1 liter of nonfat milk and 200 g of skim milk cheese. Components of the fasting day can be taken separately from each other and combined with each other. You can also prepare delicious smoothies out of milk and strawberries, cottage cheese and strawberries. But add the sugar in these dishes is contraindicated. The whole day drink water, tea and other unsweetened beverages.

Option # 3

If you do not like milk products, you can spend a fasting day for the strawberries and lemon juice. To do this during the day to eat 1 kg of strawberries and to drink lemon water. The drink is prepared as follows: 250 ml of water, add 6 drops of lemon juice.

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