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Scientists have discovered what foods speed up metabolism

Ученые выяснили, какие продукты ускоряют обмен веществ Good metabolism is the key to good health.

Everyone knows that weight gain leads to many diseases that are associated with heart failure.

Besides, excess weight influences the development of the human body, reducing its life expectancy. British scientists have found that metabolism can be significantly easily due to everyday use large amounts of water(6-8 glasses), i.e. 1.5-2 litres of fluid.

Also, nutritionists recommend drinking green tea, which will help in the fight against excess weight. Experts assure that every morning should begin with a wholesome Breakfast consisting on 50% from carbohydrates and parts of proteins, and during the day, nutritionists recommend eating beef, eggs, fish and nuts.

Scientists have added that strength training played a marginal role in the processes of acceleration of metabolic rate (2-3%).

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