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An effective means of varicose veins

Varicose veins — it is a question not only aesthetic. Therefore our body signals that to improve the circulation of blood is necessary to take action. Varicose veins is called an extension of one or several veins. To appear such veins can absolutely anywhere in the body, but usually the …

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What you need to eat figs

Useful properties of figs is due to its vitamin and mineral composition. Fruit Fig-amazingly delicious, but stored a long time. So often you see figs in dried form. But in this form it does not lose its properties, and even gaining new ones. At high physical and mental loads, frequent …

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It turns out that garlic affects breast milk

The use of garlic a woman after giving birth can significantly alter the taste of breast milk. This information came from scientists from Erlangen University. The researchers reported that garlic contain substances that can even change cellular structure of breast milk, not to mention taste and smell. In this case, …

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Insufficient water intake affects the human brain

If you do not drink sufficient water, then the gray matter may begin to wither in the truest sense of the word, and the thought process will be hampered. This is according to researchers Matthew Kempton and Ulrich Ettinger from the Institute of Psychiatry, king’s College, London. According to them, …

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These simple rules will cleanse your body of toxins

Most people ignores this fact, but, in fact, a lot of our ailments is because the body is not able to flush toxins. Every day our body accumulates huge amount of harmful substances, because the toxins contained in many foods and in the environment. Thanks to the work of the …

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The products, which changes the color of the eyes

It turns out that to change the color of the iris is quite possible, and it’s not necessary to wear colored lenses. Outset: to radically change the eye color to turn blue eyes to brown none of the miracle products. Eye color inherited “inherited” from parents is a genetic factor, …

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Scientists: coffee will protect you from a heart attack

The results of recent research of South Korean scientists confirm that drinking throughout the day, several cups of coffee — a very useful exercise for your health. In addition to improving mood, drink favorable effect on the cardiovascular system. If you like to drink during the day a few cups …

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Useful rules for a healthy tan

Sunburn is the body of man is due to the fact that skin is affected by ultraviolet light, in contact with which produces the melanin pigment. It should be noted that melanin is produced not only in humans but also in animals and plants. Earlier aristocratic pale was in fashion. …

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High doses of paracetamol can lead to fatal consequences

It increases the risk of heart attack. A daily intake of high doses of paracetamol may increase the risk of heart attacks, strokes and early death, warn British scientists from the University of rheumatic and musculoskeletal medicine at Leeds. It was found that patients who were prescribed high doses of …

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