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An effective means of varicose veins

Эффективные средства от варикозного расширения венVaricose veins — it is a question not only aesthetic.

Therefore our body signals that to improve the circulation of blood is necessary to take action.

Varicose veins is called an extension of one or several veins. To appear such veins can absolutely anywhere in the body, but usually the most common parts are the feet and face. They can be inside, then the veins themselves are not visible, but they cause discomfort and even pain.

By the way, hemorrhoids are also considered varicose, so if you have this problem, feel free to resolve it with the help of these medicinal infusions.

Witch hazel

This plant with the exotic name is one of the best and perhaps the best known natural remedy for the treatment of varicose veins.

In addition to its primary healing properties, witch hazel can ease the symptoms of hemorrhoids or diarrhea, as it has astringent.

If bleeding is minor, this plant is able to cure the hemorrhoids, it will approach a local (external) application and administration of infusion inside.

To prepare an infusion of witch hazel, just put the dried herb in boiling water and steep for three minutes, then remove from heat and allow to steep for another 3 minutes, nothing complicated.

Horse chestnut

Useful properties of this plant is also widely known around the world. Chestnut is particularly effective in the treatment of varicose veins, why it’s so often included in the composition of various natural drugs and procedures for prevention.

The components included in the composition of the chestnut improves venous function and reduce the veins in the volume.

Another chestnut is used to treat liver (congestion) and restless legs syndrome.

To prepare a medicinal infusion of chestnut, you need to brew the dried herb for three minutes in boiling water (used the bark and fruit), and then it is stored (another 3 minutes).


Cypress is another excellent for its vasoconstrictor properties of the plant. It is used for medicinal purposes since ancient times. The fruits of the cypress have a strong astringent, making them ideal remedy for varicose veins.

In addition, cypress contributes to increased sweating and thus to eliminate excess fluid from the body.

The infusion usually prepared from fruit plants, but you can make it using leaves and young shoots.


Hazel we know famous for its delicious fruits — forestry nuts. But its usefulness does not end there, because the leaves hazel contains tannins and flavonoids, which are useful in the treatment (and prevention) of varicose veins.

The infusion of hazel is highly recommended, since it prevents fluid retention in the body, lowers cholesterol, combats anemia, and even it is able to treat osteoporosis. In addition, it reduces stress and improves bowel.


Red grapes taste great and has many health properties. And it leaves (the vine itself) are able to support vein tone and to help with restless leg syndrome.

Vine are extremely rich in vitamins and tannins, they increase the capillary resistance and struggle with venous insufficiency.

To prepare you will need a dry vine leaves, they should be brewed in boiling water for 10 minutes, then remove from heat and let stand another five minutes.

The treatment of varicose veins with the help of extracts will be much more effective if we combine it with the following procedures and habits:

Try to avoid contact with hot water, taking a shower, make the water warm or even cold, this is especially important for the most sensitive areas of the body (or the places where varicose veins already manifested itself).

Sometimes a negative impact on the condition of the veins may have constipation, as they lead to accumulation of toxins in the pelvic area and, consequently, to the deterioration of blood circulation. For this reason, the bowel also need to carefully monitor and prevent constipation.

The above medicinal plants can also be used for exterior applications. It can be essential oil mixed with any vegetable oil (almond, coconut, sesame, etc.).

It is also important to lead an active lifestyle. Physical exercise you must perform every day, and walking (walk or run) at least 1 km.

It is better to avoid excessive exposure to the sun.

To sleep time train yourself to put under the legs of the pillow to slightly raise them.

Not to forget the benefits of water: in day it is necessary to drink half to two liters. That’s not counting teas, infusions and the moisture that falls to us with food.

The most serious factor aggravating the problem of varicose veins is excess weight. For this reason, try to strictly monitor how you eat: diet should be balanced and your portions begin to gradually reduce (because over time the stomach will get used to them and will not “demand” food in the same quantities).

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