Home / Medicine / These simple rules will cleanse your body of toxins

These simple rules will cleanse your body of toxins

Эти простые правила очистят ваш организм от токсиновMost people ignores this fact, but, in fact, a lot of our ailments is because the body is not able to flush toxins.

Every day our body accumulates huge amount of harmful substances, because the toxins contained in many foods and in the environment.

Thanks to the work of the so-called “cleansing organs” most of the toxins are excreted from the body, which prevents them from entering into the cells of our body and inhibits the development of many dangerous diseases.

Unfortunately, due to a sedentary lifestyle and the many unhealthy habits, our bodies can’t cope with the tasks assigned to them, which leads to intoxication.

Most people ignores this fact, but, in fact, a lot of our ailments is because the body is not able to flush toxins.

That is why it is important to regularly cleanse the body of toxins.

1. Drink more water

Water improves all metabolic processes in the body and causes the internal organs to work better.

Though hard for all of us to drink enough water, remember that its consumption can fill our body with energy and vitality and enhances our mental and physical performance throughout the day.

Also the water is perfectly regulates body temperature, acts as a natural lubricant for joints and maintains the skin in good condition.

Water consumption is necessary in order to cleanse the body every day. It facilitates the elimination of toxins from the body, improves the stomach and stimulates the genitourinary system.

Depending on the body mass, you need to drink approximately 6-8 glasses of water a day, and also to include in the diet plenty of fruits and vegetables to replenish the nutrients lost through sweat and urine.

2. Exercise

Regular exercise will allow you to stay in good mental and physical shape.

This habit also activates blood circulation, facilitates removal of toxins from the body and allows us to maintain our normal weight.

In General, people who let sport into your life, live better and reduce the risk of developing various chronic diseases.

For people leading a sedentary lifestyle, exhausting exercise is not possible. Increase the load gradually.

To start, try to allocate 30 to 60 minutes for loads low to moderate intensity.

3. Clean language

Every day in the language accumulate germs and bacteria that thrive thanks to the remnants of food that remain in the mouth due to a lack of rigorous hygiene.

It is very important to clean the tongue gently to get rid of toxins that can cause serious infections.

Use a soft toothbrush or a tongue scraper to get rid of all food residues that have accumulated in the mouth.

Make mouthwash a part of your daily hygiene.

4. Sleep well

Good quality sleep is very important not only to restore mental and physical energy, but also because during sleep the body gets rid of various toxins that accumulate during the day.

Thanks to the prolonged rest our body clears independently and can perform all the basic functions with which it has not coped during the day.

This habit affects the nervous system, our mood and level of concentration for the upcoming day.

Health experts advise to sleep at least 7 hours but 8 hours is better and more.

5. Eat foods-probiotics

Products-probiotics contain beneficial live bacteria. The same ones that are contained in natural yoghurts.

Their daily intake of food helps to maintain the intestine in good condition, which helps to strengthen the immune system and prevent the development of various diseases related to the health of the gastrointestinal tract.

Include in the diet more foods that contain live bacteria, such as yogurt, kefir, dark chocolate, pickles, sauerkraut.

Compliance with all of these recommendations will help you to cleanse the body from toxins and to protect themselves from many dangerous diseases.

At first it may be difficult to follow all these habits regularly, but discipline and a small amount of effort will help to achieve the goal.

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