Home / Medicine / Scientists have named one of the main factors causing a stroke

Scientists have named one of the main factors causing a stroke

Ученые назвали один из главных факторов, провоцирующих инсультStroke is one of the main causes of disability at an early age.

Hypertension is a major factor that affects the development of stroke. This was announced by the specialists from McMaster University in Ontario.

According to scientists, the first signs of hypertension in the form of headaches and constant fatigue can indicate an increased risk of stroke. Increased blood flow in the brain affects its cells, which ultimately leads to their partial extinction.

Currently, stroke is one of the main causes of disability at an early age. According to scientists, the key factor in a series of disease is considered a stress, in pursuit of a man in everyday routine. The studies were able to establish that approximately 10 percent of people who suffer from hypertension for more than five years have an increased risk of stroke.

On the development of rice stroke effect and regular consumption of alcoholic beverages. The blood alcohol tends to increase the pressure, which also leads to the death of brain cells. Later the dead tissue can begin to move through the circulatory system and eventually to form a clot, leading to stroke. This disease affected approximately 25 percent of all individuals who regularly consume alcohol.

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