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What you need to eat figs

Для чего нужно употреблять инжирUseful properties of figs is due to its vitamin and mineral composition.

Fruit Fig-amazingly delicious, but stored a long time. So often you see figs in dried form. But in this form it does not lose its properties, and even gaining new ones.

At high physical and mental loads, frequent consumption of figs will help to overcome fatigue. The figs contains sometimes as much as 70% fructose, but despite its rich composition (high content of carbohydrates), the Fig is not so high in calories — 100 g figs have 50-55 kcal. Approximately it is possible to compare the caloric content of red sweet apples.

It’s summer, it’s time for a new crop of figs, as, indeed, other fruits and vegetables.

But even more urgent and important than the very good which have figs:

1) due to the content of calcium is strengthening the bone tissue of the body;

2) figs is a lot of fiber, which has beneficial effects on the digestion process and absorption of nutrients obtained, and also promotes the excretion of various toxins and other harmful and unnecessary substances.

3) figs are good for the brain, but rather to intellectual work, it improves, sistematizirovat thinking and relieves fatigue;

4) a decoction of figs is used as a febrifuge, stimulating diaphoresis;

5) the broth can be used as a kind of antiseptic to gargle in sore throat;

6) a decoction is used often as a diuretic for getting rid of swelling;

7) in cardiovascular diseases Fig also brings no less favor due to the presence in its composition of potassium (relieves spams in the blood vessels, thins the blood, involved in blood formation);

8) in addition to a diuretic effect is also present and laxative effect, and it is a big benefit when persistent constipation;

9) some people recommend to use in such diseases as measles, fevers, ulcers, malaria, is related to the ability of figs to help the body in fighting viral poisons;

10) use if you have kidney disease, problems with the spleen and anemia.

However, not all is rosy in this sweet treat, it has its contraindications:

— can harm in the presence of diabetes, as figs are very rich in fructose;
— you can not use in the presence of gout and pancreatitis;
— when inflammation in the digestive system should not eat figs because of the huge quantities of fiber contained;
— with care it need to eat if you have gastritis or a stomach ulcer.

In all other cases, the figs will bring huge benefits to the body and your health.

Another important and everywhere the rule to apply is the norm. All should be back to normal! If the figs you are not contraindicated — it doesn’t mean that it should have tons.

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