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Reliable methods of easy weight loss

Changes in diet have a greater influence on weight loss than physical activity. To lose weight, most experts in the field of health recommend diet and exercise. This combination will quickly help you lose weight and maintain it in the long run. But you don’t necessarily have to go to …

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Cardiologists have allowed sedentary work

Scientists from two major U.S. institutes of Texas and Minnesota calculated how much per day can be performed in a sitting position. So on average, without harm to the cardiovascular system, an individual could spend 10 hours in any static position. “Sedentary” work or office work has repeatedly attracted the …

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Family life improves health

Scientists conducted the study, which was attended by 3,000 people of all ages. Adults who are experiencing lack of communication with family and friends, or those who feel lonely, are often in worse physical and mental condition than their peers, according to U.S. researchers. It turned out that people aged …

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Foods that lower blood pressure

To normalize the pressure, it is important to follow medical recommendations regarding medical treatment and daily regimen. Many people suffer from such widespread diseases as arterial hypertension. To normalize the pressure, it is important to follow medical recommendations regarding medical treatment and daily regimen. It is also necessary to revise …

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Simple ways to Wake up early

Even if you are by nature a night owl, you can train yourself to get up even a little earlier. Of course, this is not the case: to sleep until the last, and then, jumping out of bed twenty minutes before work frantically to bring on his clothes, dripping coffee, …

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How to keep fit after a hard week

Experts tell how to recharge your life energy. Lack of energy leaves an imprint on our life’s activities: the productivity of labor falls, the mood is not a constant feeling of fatigue, and as a result, developing depression. This situation must be urgently addressed. Slow carbs If you are constantly …

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How much you need to eat vegetables and fruits a day

5 servings of fruits and vegetables you should eat per day to saturate the body with all necessary. This is the minimum, it is desirable to increase this number to nine. One portion for each is the volume of fruits and vegetables, which is placed in his hand.The average is:1 …

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What you need to diet with heart disease

For people with heart disease and patients with atherosclerosis and hypertension are especially useful reducing diet. There are many fasting diets for improvement of work of heart, which last 1-2 days and are prescribed by not more than 1-3 days per week, depending on the nature of the disease and …

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The product slows down aging and improves memory

Was chocolate has the ability to slow down aging of the skin. The researchers found that the resveratrol in dark chocolate, has a number of useful properties, including it can slow the development of Alzheimer’s disease. As an experiment, the researchers sprayed a perfume with the scent of chocolate in …

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