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What you need to diet with heart disease

For people with heart disease and patients with atherosclerosis and hypertension are especially useful reducing diet.

There are many fasting diets for improvement of work of heart, which last 1-2 days and are prescribed by not more than 1-3 days per week, depending on the nature of the disease and the human condition.

Какие нужны диеты при заболеваниях сердцаFor people with heart disease and patients with atherosclerosis and hypertension are especially useful reducing diet.

Apple: you have to eat 2 kg of raw apples in 5-6 receptions. You can add 2 servings of rice porridge (25 grams of rice each).

Apricot: pour boiling water 0.5 kg of dried apricots and eat in 5 receptions.

On the dried fruit: you should eat 5 times a day, 100 grams of soaked dried fruit (particularly useful raisins, pears, figs, prunes).

Cucumber: useful in swelling and increased weight. 2 kg of fresh cucumbers distributed on 5-6 receptions and eat during the day.

Potato: you should eat 5 times a day, 300 g of baked potatoes without salt with a small amount of vegetable oil or sour cream.

Watermelon: 5 times a day to eat 300 g of ripe watermelon.

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