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Psychologists have named the root cause of a breakup

Couples break up due to the fact that one partner compares the other half with a potential ideal. Scientists from the University of Texas (USA) conducted a study which showed that the cause of the divorce may become constant comparing your partner with a potentially perfect. This tells the publishing …

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The main rules of a separate food

Experts have called the basic rules of food combining. Separation of power is the current trend in the world of nutrition in the last few years. What you need to know about a separate feed that do not hurt yourself and to deliver outcomes — read in our material. Separate …

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It became known as fear spread in the society

Psychologists have explained the mechanism of the spread of fear. Scientists have long been interested in how the transmission of fear among the people. Studies have shown that social learning has become an effective tool against the spread of fear among people. The group of people who have agreed to …

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Seven products to normalize the hormonal balance

Experts told what foods affect hormonal balance. Hormones play a huge role in a woman’s life – they’re responsible for healthy immunity, normal weight, mood and overall Wellness. Many women due to poor lifestyle, hormones are in imbalance. Fortunately, there are delicious and affordable foods that can improve the situation …

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The three main reasons that destroy family happiness

Psychologists said that destroys family happiness and how to avoid it. Most of us strive to create a happy and harmonious family that will support, love, respect and joyful moments from the environment nearest and dearest. But often there are behavioral errors that this same harmony is destroyed. Why is …

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What to eat at work: low calorie recipes

People who care for their health, have to eat right throughout the day. Nutritionists insist that in addition to the three main meals people allow themselves to do two snacks in between. For many people who start to live a healthy lifestyle and stick to the basics of good nutrition, …

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Five main advantages of “late” delivery

A sound approach to fertility in adulthood promises the expectant mother has a lot of advantages. For unknown reasons, the society considered that a woman should be a mother to 25 years. But experience shows that in Mature age to the birth of the child the woman is more responsible, …

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