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The three main reasons that destroy family happiness

Три главные причины, разрушающие семейное счастьеPsychologists said that destroys family happiness and how to avoid it.

Most of us strive to create a happy and harmonious family that will support, love, respect and joyful moments from the environment nearest and dearest. But often there are behavioral errors that this same harmony is destroyed.

Why is this happening, and why it does not always work to build a harmonious and happy family?

What you have in the first place?

We often, in the pursuit of money, career, success we forget to live in the here and now. How many day we take the time their own children? And the second half? When was the last time we called your parents? Unfortunately, life pushes us to the idea that work should be first on the plan, delaying a family and family values away.

On the one hand it seems that as without work, to live on something right? But on the other, how much time we spend with gadgets outside of work, continuing to solve their business, in a time when our child approaches us to play requests or to tell the tale?

The work needed is discussed. But set your priorities and remember that “we work to live, not live for work”. You and your family first and work and everything else is after that.

Search of ideals.

Many people, most often women, sin that are trying to build the “ideal” relations: looking for the perfect husband, demand the impossible from their children, criticizing friends and family, emphasizing their weaknesses (of course, only in good intentions).

As a result, they always dissatisfied with life and trying to eliminate “imperfect” moments, forgetting that in this world nothing’s perfect and you should enjoy life here and now, enjoying the moment and feeling gratitude for the fact that there. And the perfect life – a utopia imposed upon us by books and films.

Dissolving in your partner and in the family as a whole.

The fact that the family is a single whole for anybody, no secret. But really the true key to family happiness is the respect and realization of the interests and needs of each member.

Without its own space, Hobbies (which, of course, can be the same for all family members) it is unlikely that the whole family will be harmonious and happy. Indeed, in this case someone will feel unfulfilled, will often be sad, depressed, etc.

It is therefore very important to support and respect the needs of each, to promote the development, not to succumb to harsh criticism, but only constructive, to be near in a difficult moment – then harmony will always be present in your home and all your loved ones, including yourself, will be happy.

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