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The main rules of a separate food

Главные правила раздельного питанияExperts have called the basic rules of food combining.

Separation of power is the current trend in the world of nutrition in the last few years. What you need to know about a separate feed that do not hurt yourself and to deliver outcomes — read in our material.

Separate food according to many nutritionists is a great method of weight loss, which is safe for health and at the same time gives effective results. The founder of food combining is William Howard hay, who in the 20-ies of the last century came to the conclusion that for the proper digestion of carbohydrate foods need a an alkaline environment, and fats for acid. Based on this, hay has developed a system of separation of power.

William Howard hay came up with not just a new system of food for patients, he first tried it on myself. At the time of development of the system of separation of power of the doctor and weighed more than 100 pounds and had kidney problems. For 3 months he lost 23 pounds.

According to supporters of a separate food, in one meal you can’t eat proteins with carbohydrates, proteins, fats, carbohydrates with acid and acid with proteins. In other words, it is impossible to eat meat with potatoes, sauerkraut with buckwheat and so on. Each food group should be consumed separately.

The basis of the diet of the person who made the decision to lose weight by the method of Oylama Haye should come from vegetables and fruits (preferably in the form of salads). Proteins, fats and other types of carbohydrates you need to consume in small quantities. Pay attention to the fact that to completely abandon them is not necessary — it will threaten your health.

Hey I’m sure for better absorption of food, break between meals should be 4-5 hours. In General, the daily ration should be 3 meals. This morning you need to focus on alkaline foods (foods rich in alkaline: carrots, Jerusalem artichokes, spinach and so on) in the afternoon on proteins (meat, fish, eggs, beans), and in the evening — carbohydrates (potatoes, buckwheat, wheat products) and vegetables and fruits.

In the system of hay there is such a thing as a “neutral” products. These include butter, cheese, sour cream, herbs, dried fruits, cheeses, fresh vegetables. They can be combined, as with protein and carbohydrate food. At the same time, fresh vegetables and fruits should make up more than half of the diet.

Here is a rough menu in the framework of separation of power.

Breakfast: sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese, fruit.

Lunch: meat or fish with salad vegetables. For dessert — fruits.

Dinner: macaroni and cheese, potato casserole.

Hey sure the carbs at dinner is the best option because they are quickly digested and will help the body to go to bed in a state of ease.

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