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Alcohol withdrawal syndrome: how to calm me down in 30 minutes

Похмельный синдром: как привести себя в чувства за 30 минутExperienced advice will help you to recover after a wild party the night before.

Almost every adult who at least once in his life he allowed himself to drink too much at some feast, familiar morning hangover. Bad breath and a feeling of dryness, headache, dizziness, swelling of the face and limbs, and sometimes vomiting, all the symptoms of alcohol withdrawal. By the way, the person to suffer from a hangover, not necessarily to get drunk the night before, some poor health can appear from a glass of champagne. The thing is, as the body is predisposed to the perception of alcohol, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to the Correspondent.

There are many ways to help you quickly get rid of the symptoms of a hangover, here are some of them:

1. Water. Drink plenty of liquids to cleanse the body of toxins that are trapped in it along with an alcoholic beverage. You can make an infusion of rose hips, the process of purification was faster. If hangover is preferably immediately, getting out of bed, drink a couple of glasses of plain water without gas. In no case should not drink carbonated water because it adds the feeling of heaviness in the stomach, which will lead to more swelling.

2. Shower. Nothing refreshes the person, as the hike in the shower. It is best to take a contrast shower, as the hot water will open the pores and the toxins start coming out of the body, while cold water will refresh the mind and invigorate the body. Even if it is very hard to get out of bed, you have to take yourself in hand and go to the bathroom. Start with washing your face with cool water, so it will be easier to Wake up and continue to take a shower.

3. Breakfast. Definitely need to have Breakfast when overcomes a hangover. For many it will be no easy task, but worth a try. After Breakfast, you will be much better. The only thing you can’t eat everything. Choose the correct, wholesome foods so as not to hurt yourself even more.

4. Charging. Scientists have proved that physical exercise can not only cheer up a person, but also to give him strength and to get rid of a hangover. It’s simple — pores open in the process of charging and then go out together with the toxins from the body. Plus, you finally get excited, “disperse” the blood and laziness associated with a hangover, will recede into the background.

5. Fresh air. After sleep the human brain needs oxygen, and especially it concerns those who had poisoned his body with alcohol. Therefore, after carrying out the above procedures, immediately go outside or to the balcony to get some fresh air and to fill the balance of oxygen in the brain.

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