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These habits can cause thyroid disease

It is important to know what habits prevent effective work of the thyroid gland. Smoking, apart from the fact that damage the lungs and, in principle, detrimental to health, can cause serious problems with the thyroid gland, to decide that this habit will be even harder. The thyroid gland is …

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Doctors told what kind of coffee is dangerous for health

It turned out that different types of coffee affect health in different ways. Scientists say the health benefits are brings only brewed beverage prepared from ground beans. Mass media reports with reference to experts, indicating that soluble coffee and coffee “3 in 1” can have a detrimental impact on the …

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Mushroom diet no benefit, nutritionists

Debunked the myth about the benefits of mushroom diet. Replace one of your meals once a day dish with mushrooms will help women to remove fat, but only in certain parts of the body on the waist and hips, the main thing – do not overdo it. Two week diet …

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How to escape from mosquitoes without chemicals

Experts told how to deal with mosquitoes by using natural remedies With warm days to barbecue outdoors, relaxing by the water or walk in the woods join the most annoying companions — mosquitoes, midges and other small animals, which is able to big to spoil the life. And although there …

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Standing the way of life destroys the extra weight

The doctors made a surprising discovery. Leading scientists have conducted a comprehensive supervision, in which doctors managed to fix the unique pattern. As it became known, the main purpose of testing is to detect the factors that influence the presence of overweight. During the implementation of the observations of the …

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Six steps to a flatter stomach

Experts told how to make the perfect belly. Let’s see what exercises you should perform regularly to your stomach was perfectly flat. So, what to make of the press was strong, and the stomach perfectly flat: Don’t rule interval training 20 minute interval training three times a week helps to …

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Doctors told about the causes and symptoms of lung cancer

Doctors have described the major symptoms of lung cancer. Lung cancer is a cancer that is characterized by the development of a malignant tumor of the bronchial mucosa and lungs. This pathology can develop as a result of genetic predisposition, the presence of tumors of other organs, and also due …

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Doctors told about the benefits of sweets

It turned out that sweets can benefit our bodies. Carbohydrates are necessary for our body and especially the brain for normal functioning. Today, carbohydrates are often considered as the worst enemies of the human body. Many nutritionists try to avoid them in their diets, and some companies, beer producers, even …

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