Home / Medicine / Standing the way of life destroys the extra weight

Standing the way of life destroys the extra weight

Стоячий образ жизни уничтожает лишний весThe doctors made a surprising discovery.

Leading scientists have conducted a comprehensive supervision, in which doctors managed to fix the unique pattern.

As it became known, the main purpose of testing is to detect the factors that influence the presence of overweight. During the implementation of the observations of the experts came to the conclusion that standing the way of life eliminates body fat faster than any diet food.

In new projects participated 7 thousand respondents. Special attention was paid to clarifying the number of hours that the representatives of the stronger sex is weak and spent on your feet.

Comparing the indices of body mass of volunteers, doctors found that men, half a day standing on my feet, on 60% less experienced obesity. In women, this figure was equal to 50%.

At the same time, doctors noticed that if the guys after work has continued to perform physical activities, the likelihood of body fat went “no”.

Thus, the existence of an active lifestyle helps to prevent high body mass index. In addition, standing on legs eliminates excess weight faster than using diets.

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