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Doctors told about the benefits of sweets

Медики рассказали о пользе сладостейIt turned out that sweets can benefit our bodies.

Carbohydrates are necessary for our body and especially the brain for normal functioning.

Today, carbohydrates are often considered as the worst enemies of the human body. Many nutritionists try to avoid them in their diets, and some companies, beer producers, even indicate their quantitative contents in the bottles.

But the reality is that carbohydrates are necessary for our body and especially the brain for normal functioning. Our muscle tissue can store energy in the form of fat deposits, and then use it when necessary, when the body receives nutrients. But the brain can’t do it, it is entirely dependent on the regular intake of carbohydrates.

Carbohydrates are divided into simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates are quickly digested by the body and enter the bloodstream. Among them we can name sugar and its breakdown product is glucose, a simple carbohydrate contained in milk, honey, fruits, molasses, maple syrup.

Simple carbohydrates provide quick energy recovery, for which, however, follows the same rapid decline, if the blood sugar is too high according to your body. The reason for the decline in insulin, the hormone that removes excess sugar from the blood.

Due to sudden and large influxes of carbs in the blood, our body begins to react by producing insulin. However, the impact of insulin on the body is not limited to the removal of excess sugar. Insulin promotes energy storage in the body in form of fat deposits and prevents fat burning.

He is also responsible for giving the person feelings of sleepiness and lethargy, after the sugar content of the blood is reduced. Scientists also get all the new evidence that insulin contributes to the various changes to the arteries, thereby creating favorable conditions for the occurrence of cardiovascular diseases.

Thus, a sharp increase in blood sugar will help you prepare for the exam and maintain the sharpness of thinking, if you work late. But the dramatic increase and downs in the amount of sugar in the blood also increase the risk of type 2 diabetes associated with depression and reduction of speed of thought in old age.

Let’s move on to complex carbs, which you do not have to avoid whichever diet you are not adhered to. Most complex carbohydrates we receive by eating grains, vegetables, fruits, legumes and potatoes.

These foods are digested more slowly, providing a constant flow of sugar in the blood. These foods are also rich in various fibers, vitamins and minerals, which also speaks in their favor compared to candy.

Also, remember that brain cells never remain without work, even when you sleep. Therefore, they need food constantly. The neurons are in the process of constant renewal, realignment, communicate with other neurons. Brain cells need 2 times more power compared to other cells in our body.

The brain consumes 10% of the energy of the body. Reducing uncontrolled intake of simple carbohydrates (primarily sugar, of course) and giving preference to the complex, you will facilitate your body and life will give him a chance to stay healthy longer.

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