Home / Medicine / Doctors told about the causes and symptoms of lung cancer

Doctors told about the causes and symptoms of lung cancer

Медики рассказали о причинах и симптомах рака легкихDoctors have described the major symptoms of lung cancer.

Lung cancer is a cancer that is characterized by the development of a malignant tumor of the bronchial mucosa and lungs. This pathology can develop as a result of genetic predisposition, the presence of tumors of other organs, and also due to adverse environmental, Smoking, etc.

Doctors distinguish specific and General symptoms of lung cancer.

Common symptoms include: weakness, loss of body weight and appetite, sweating, periodic fever.

Particular symptoms include: regular cough with streaks of blood in sputum, shortness of breath and pain in chest.

The cough is usually hoarse, exhausting, usually for a reason. Cough with sputum may be blood. Usually it is frothy, mixed with phlegm. Shortness of breath occurs as a result of violation of gas exchange in the lungs and impairment of their ventilation, but also due to the reduction of the respiratory surface. Painful sensations arise when the tumor invades the pleura, where there is a large number of nerve endings.

Doctors distinguish the Central, peripheral, pneumonopathy and atypical forms of lung cancer, and metastatic tumor.

Generally, the diagnosis “lung cancer” put on the later stages. To identify this pathology in the early stages, need to undergo regular chest x-ray.

If there is a suspected lung cancer should undergo chest x-rays, x-rays, bronchoscopy, CT and MRI, bronchography, sputum tests and a biopsy.

The most effective method of treatment of lung cancer is considered surgical intervention. Depending on the location and stage of the cancer, doctors can remove a lobe, a whole lung or to make marginal resection.

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