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The best time for drinking coffee

To coffee brought to you the maximum benefit, it is necessary to know when it is better to use. We love coffee not only for its flavor and aroma, but also for the fact that thanks to this drink, we feel fitter and more energetic. However, drinking coffee should be …

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Six good reasons to include in the diet cherry

The use of sweet and sour cherries is one of the best pleasures of summer. The first half of the summer is the season of cherries. These sweet and sour, slightly tart berries are not only low calorie (one Cup is only 87 calories), but contain huge amounts of nutrients. …

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Scientists were able to reverse memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease

Scientists announced the greatest advancement in the methods of treatment of Alzheimer’s disease. Loss of memory in patients with Alzheimer’s disease was first reversed by a unique combination of nutrition, drugs and lifestyle changes. Such a breakthrough has been achieved, scientists from the research Institute of aging of the Tank. …

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Effective exercises for toned figure

How to remove belly fat: 10 easy exercises.The street is already long-awaited summer, and you still can not boast of a slender figure? Do not worry! We offer to your attention a simple and effective set of exercises from ELLE that will help to wear crop tops and bikinis with …

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Scientists have named an unusual cause of insomnia

The study involved about 600 people.People who tend to postpone things for later, more likely to suffer from insomnia, found researchers from the Academic College in tel Aviv. In their experiment, was attended by about 600 people. Volunteers filled out an online questionnaire with which the researchers were able to …

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How overtime affects the human psyche

Overtime working hours is dangerous for mental health.Swedish scientists found that overtime leads to impaired function of the brain. According to experts, people who work more than ten hours a day, over time, develop cognitive deficits that include memory loss, mental health, speech and perception of reality. As shown by …

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How to help the body in the heat: proven ways

How to survive a hot summer.The summer heat can be a challenge. It is draining and tiring, so I always want to quench your thirst and just to cool off. How to help the body to survive unbearable heat, read the selection of tips. In hot weather, perspiration increases, the …

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