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How to help the body in the heat: proven ways

Как помочь организму в жару: проверенные способыHow to survive a hot summer.

The summer heat can be a challenge. It is draining and tiring, so I always want to quench your thirst and just to cool off.

How to help the body to survive unbearable heat, read the selection of tips.

In hot weather, perspiration increases, the body requires more water than usual. Therefore, in order to compensate for the loss, is to drink more water.

The amount of water you should drink per day depends on a person’s health. If health problems there, the best landmark is thirst or hunger (hunger, incidentally, can also be caused by thirst), says Otto rack, chief doctor of the Kyiv city health center. It is desirable that half of the fluid you drink for a day, was the usual drinking water, non-carbonated.

How to drink a lot of water?

The recommended amount of liquid you want to consume per day, calculated at the rate of 30 ml per 1 kg of body weight. That is, for a girl weighing 50 kilograms and a half liters of fluid if a person’s weight from 70-80 lbs, should be drinking 2-2,5 liters of water a day.

The stand also advises to pay attention to food. In the heat should eat so that half of the daily diet was vegetables and fruits, he says. They perfectly complement the drinking regime.

The more varied the diet the better, more lean on seasonal vegetables and fruits, eat less refined and fatty foods, limit the consumption of meat. Besides fruits and vegetables also eat dairy products.

It’s one thing if half of your daily diet are vegetables and fruits rich in water. If the food is fatty or sweet, drinking water costs even more, says Otto rack.

In addition to water, you should also drink herbal teas, fruit drinks, juices. However pay attention that in the past there is sugar. Its application, especially in the heat, limit.

What temperature is considered normal?

Optimal indoor temperatures of 18-24 degrees and humidity 40-60%. Also, there should be a strong draft. These parameters are also important for the temperature outside, says Stand. The temperature is over 28 degrees is considered uncomfortable, and if the thermometer shows more than 30 degrees – the work of the street should be limited. In this case, after 15-20 minutes you should take a break for 10-15 minutes, no more than 1-1. 5 hours. It is best to move your work in the morning or evening when the heat subsides.

How to co-exist with air conditioning?

Air conditioning helps to cool the room, but he does not give fresh air. Therefore, a room with a “air cooler” we need to periodically ventilate. If you come from the street “hot” and immediately get up in the air – you can get sick. So, going from the street, try not to get hit by a jet of cooled air. Besides the difference of the temperature in the room where the air-conditioning outdoor temperature should not exceed 10 degrees.

What threats are the cold drinks?

They are kind of dangerous. If you drink lots of cold water, you can get strep throat. To avoid the unpleasant pain in the throat, the water should be a few seconds to hold it in your mouth and drink small SIPS. In General, room temperature beverage is considered the best.

Alcohol in the heat?

You can, but not in large quantities. It is better to choose light, dry wines, red or white. Also, the wine can be diluted with carbonated water to slightly reduce the influence of alcohol. Beer and champagne is better in the heat to drink. These drinks are quickly absorbed into the bloodstream, then trigger sweating and finally cause dehydration.

What to do in heat stroke?

Heatstroke is the body’s response to sudden temperature increase, says Stand. A person with heat stroke should withdraw into the shade, and to put or plant it so that he took a comfortable position. Loosen his tight clothing and give plain water. Also should be wetted with water or wet towel to the forehead, neck, face. It is desirable to measure the pulse and observe the feeling, if the condition will worsen, immediately call a physician.

Also, if you plan a long walk along the street in the heat, be sure to wear a hat and sunglasses, not to get heat stroke. Don’t forget to bring water.

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