Home / Medicine / Six good reasons to include in the diet cherry

Six good reasons to include in the diet cherry

Шесть веских причин включить в рацион вишниThe use of sweet and sour cherries is one of the best pleasures of summer.

The first half of the summer is the season of cherries.

These sweet and sour, slightly tart berries are not only low calorie (one Cup is only 87 calories), but contain huge amounts of nutrients. They can be used to replenish the supply of vitamins and minerals to lose weight and even prevent some illnesses. Here is a list of just some miracle properties of cherries:

REDUCE INFLAMMATION. Numerous studies have shown that cherries are very useful for people with chronic inflammatory diseases. If you have cherries or drink cherry juice during a cold, can reduce the temperature. This berry also helps to normalize blood pressure and reduce pain in the joints (e.g. arthritis and gout).

ARE A SOURCE OF VITAMIN C AND FIBER. One Cup of cherries contains 16% of the required daily value of vitamin C and more than two grams of fiber.

IMPROVE BRAIN ACTIVITY. Folic acid contained in these berries will help to preserve cognitive function — it improves blood flow to the brain. And studies have shown that if you include in his diet cherries, you can mitigate the symptoms of diseases such as Alzheimer’s and Huntington’s.

PROTECT MUSCLES DURING EXERCISE. Cherries contain anthocyanins (pigment substances), which are powerful antioxidants and have anti-inflammatory properties, to help reduce muscle pain. Usually muscle pain is a sign of a good workout — like, we should be happy, the effect is achieved, but still the pain is stopping. But if you take it a rule to eat at least a few cherries a day, after exercising, the muscles will hurt a lot less.

REDUCE THE RISK OF CARDIOVASCULAR DISEASE. Its ruby hue cherry owes a large amount of anthocyanins, which contain potassium ions. But for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular system potassium just required. Therefore, it is useful to include this berry in your diet in order to reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease.

IMPROVE SLEEP. Cherries are a natural source of the hormone melatonin, which is a regulator of diurnal rhythms. Given the importance of sleep to overall health, regularly drink a glass of cherry juice (especially for those who suffer from lack of sleep).

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