Home / Medicine / Scientists were able to reverse memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease

Scientists were able to reverse memory loss in Alzheimer’s disease

Ученым удалось обратить вспять потерю памяти при болезни АльцгеймераScientists announced the greatest advancement in the methods of treatment of Alzheimer’s disease.

Loss of memory in patients with Alzheimer’s disease was first reversed by a unique combination of nutrition, drugs and lifestyle changes. Such a breakthrough has been achieved, scientists from the research Institute of aging of the Tank.

A small study conducted on 10 patients showed that all of them had marked improvement of memory for the first few months and even more significant improvements over the next two years. Experts say that memory loss in patients with Alzheimer’s disease can be reversed and improvements can be very stable.

Treatment of patients was a therapeutic program that combines proper nutrition, brain stimulation, exercise, optimization of sleep, specific pharmaceuticals and vitamins, and other steps affecting brain chemistry. It was found that neither drug by itself was not able to stop or slow the progression of Alzheimer’s disease – compounds had only moderate effects on the symptoms of the disease.

Experts hope that the obtained results can pave the way for the first effective treatment of Alzheimer’s disease, which was first described over 100 years ago. Personalized approach, tailored to the health characteristics of each patient will help determine the best therapies for each patient.

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