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How overtime affects the human psyche

Как сверхурочная работа влияет на психику человекаOvertime working hours is dangerous for mental health.

Swedish scientists found that overtime leads to impaired function of the brain.

According to experts, people who work more than ten hours a day, over time, develop cognitive deficits that include memory loss, mental health, speech and perception of reality.

As shown by tests, the performance of the brain workaholics was lower in comparison with older people.

Scientists explain that regular too early or late in labor activities leads to the destruction of the frontal lobes of the brain, which causes impaired control of mental activities. Thus, a person may even develop a personality disorder. Therefore, experts advise to take care of less a busy working schedule.

Those who are sometimes forced to work overtime, the researchers recommend sleeping at least seven hours and devise a sleep mode, which involves going to bed and rise at the same time, regardless of the output.

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