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Doctors have dispelled myths about nutrition

Nutritionists dispelled five of the most popular myths about healthy eating, with whom they most frequently encounter. 1. Meat and grains are harmful, and they should give up Often sound advice on how to achieve the perfect figure and improve diet should be thrown out of his meat and grain …

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Smoothie-energy to overcome fatigue

Recipes energy cocktail, or smoothie, which, thanks to its nutrients will help you to overcome tiredness and forget about the problems with concentration. Fatigue at work, stress, family problems – it is absolutely natural that the body responds to all this lack of physical and mental energy, and, of course, …

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Doctors called protein sources for vegetarians

Experts have compiled a list of 10 foods of plant origin that are rich in protein and decorate menu of supporters of vegetarianism. 1. Pea protein Acquired not so long ago, the popularity of protein, derived from yellow peas, is easily digested, and in addition is a source of arginine …

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Is it possible to outwit old age

Even with age harder to go Jogging and doing push-UPS, but it is on a regular walk and light exercises of power can be found. Hormonal balance is an important indicator of youth. With age the production of certain hormones decreases. If you manage to raise them to the norm …

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Honey, almonds, and walnuts: tasty and healthy

We all know that honey, almonds and walnuts are very useful, but what happens when you combine them together? We’re not talking about how to make dessert out of those ingredients and how to make them in the most natural kind, no sugar or refined flour. This is a wonderful …

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Juice diets hazardous to health

Nutritionists have called terrible facts against juice diets Experts believe what mono meals causes fatigue and can cause liver disease. Despite this, in recent times juice diets are gaining popularity. Proponents of juice diets claim that in addition to his main task of fast weight loss, it also helps to …

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What you need to do in the morning for weight loss

Fortunately, there are ways that will help quickly enough to achieve this goal, you only need patience and perseverance. Losing weight is no easy task. This requires drastic changes in life style and the constant effort needed to maintain the results obtained. If we gained the extra pounds and do …

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How to get out of depression alone: 6 interesting ways

People often is in a state of depression. Plans for the future, live chat with friends, refusal (briefly) from the social networks… These and other such simple actions will help keep symptoms of depression. 1. Review your vision for the future It is considered that because of the depression we …

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Useful properties of whiskey

A drink is considered to be noble. Many people prefer alcoholic beverages to drink whiskey, because it is very rarely a hangover. In addition, it may even be beneficial to health. You will make sure that a little whiskey once a week: 1. Will help prevent excess weight. – Whiskey …

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4 tips on how to learn not to overeat at night

The desire to eat in the evening is not an indicator of your weakness, and normal physiological process. 4 rules of proper nutrition. Rule # 1 – eat Breakfast Breakfast – starts metabolic processes, including fat burning. If you skip Breakfast, it slows down the process of calorie consumption throughout …

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