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Doctors have dispelled myths about nutrition

Медики развеяли мифы о правильном питанииNutritionists dispelled five of the most popular myths about healthy eating, with whom they most frequently encounter.

1. Meat and grains are harmful, and they should give up

Often sound advice on how to achieve the perfect figure and improve diet should be thrown out of his meat and grain products. And although it may help a small percentage of people, the effect is still very dependent on the person.

For someone meat is not a necessary product. And someone without a weekly steak loses strength and constantly feels weak. This is because someone can suffer from lack of iron or protein in the body. Don’t hurt him, give him what he so desperately asks for.

But buying meat, try to choose organic options. Farm beef, which is now found not only in specialized shops but also in some supermarkets, different from the usual that does not contain hormones and other harmful substances. Very well, if it is local.

With grains of the same story. Someone they are vital because they provide energy. Well, someone suffers from gluten intolerance and unable to digest such food.

2. To eat right outside the home impossible

We all understand the exclusive use and benefit of a home-cooked meal. But, alas, this does not always have the time and energy. Do not think that since you don’t have a container with a healthy lunch, you just have fast food and fatty foods. First a look at the deli section in the supermarket. Many of them have already started to prepare healthy meals. So on the shelf next to drenched in mayonnaise, salad you can see the container with the chicken breast steamed and light baked vegetables. If you take the salad at the restaurant, refrain from filling. It is often more calories than a Burger.

3. Decaf is impossible to cheer up

Try a smoothie with these products-energy: Chia seeds, melon, strawberries, mango, blueberries, spinach and citrus fruits. And pick power Breakfast with oatmeal, eggs or salmon. Need to cheer up during the day? You will save a handful of nuts.

Well, if no caffeine you are really serious, then instead of coffee, try green tea.

4. Only sitting on a diet, you can lose weight and start a healthy lifestyle

Actually no. No diet will accustom you to a healthy diet and make your weight disappear forever. Diet and detox programs aim to “reset” the body and remove toxins. Well to instill a few healthy eating habits. But those diets that are aimed at getting rid of pounds during very short period of time, more harm than benefit – pounds after finishing this diet seek back in twice the quantity.

Main Board – ensure that day do not experience feelings of hunger. Most people are so busy at work that I forget to eat, or simply do not find time for it. Instead of a full meal they eat bread, crackers, chocolates and candies. And in the evening refreshed for the day, then sit on the sofa and can’t even move! If in this portrait you now recognize yourself, then start making snacks during the day not so harmful. Cookies and candy replace with carrot sticks, nuts, apples and muesli bars. Before going to work don’t forget a good Breakfast and don’t eat at the computer: highlight lunch at least half an hour.

5. The main thing – to cut the number of calories and seldom have

Often calories is the primary, what we begin to fight when they want to lose weight. In fact, they should be the starting point in understanding why you gain weight. And since we are all different, focus not on calories, and the hunger. If you want to eat – do not deny yourself the snack. But if you notice that you are constantly hungry, think about the quality of food you consume each day. If the semi-finished products, sausages and fast food, then you fast burning energy from them, not saturating properly. So after half an hour after a meal, you can again feel the hunger.

Also keep in mind your condition when calculating the calories you need. For example, if you daily train, you require a lot more calories.

And in any case do not starve. Yes, you can throw size for a couple of days, but after this stress, the body will put fat every calorie. And the weight will come back double the amount. If you still want to “reset” the body, try to sit the day on vegetable juices and smoothies. Not necessarily to cook them yourself, these detox services are now offered in every city. 24 hours in this mode does not subject you to this sort of stress, like starvation, but excrete toxins and improve digestion.

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