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Useful properties of whiskey

Полезные свойства вискиA drink is considered to be noble.

Many people prefer alcoholic beverages to drink whiskey, because it is very rarely a hangover.

In addition, it may even be beneficial to health. You will make sure that a little whiskey once a week:

1. Will help prevent excess weight. – Whiskey is a low-calorie alcoholic beverage, especially if you compare it with a variety of cocktails, beer and wine. Due to the low content of sugar in it, you can safely drink a glass of whiskey, nothing to worry.

2. Localremote heart. – Did you know that whiskey helps to improve the work of your heart? In addition to wine and dark beer, what other alcoholic drinks can boast of that? Whiskey not only reduces the risk of blood clots, but also lowers the risk of heart disease. Antioxidants that are contained in the whiskey, keep your arteries from clogging.

3. Helps fight cancer. Whiskey is rich in antioxidants, particularly one of them known as ellagic acid. This antioxidant stops the DNA of your body from contact with the compounds that contribute to cancer diseases, which in turn reduces the risk of the carcinogen.

4. Improves the functioning of your brain. – A study conducted in 2003 showed that whiskey reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. If you are worried about the fact that with age, your brain started to work worse — well, it’s time to start to drink whiskey to protect your most important organ from destruction.

5. Reduces the risk of stroke. Whiskey not only helps to prevent deposition of cholesterol in your arteries, but also eliminates the presence of cholesterol in your blood vessels. As the weakened walls of your arteries ensure that blood flows freely. One of the biggest advantages of whiskey – a reduction in the risk of stroke, so we all have to drink it!

6. Helps to overcome stress.–Stress in humans can cause a number of health problems. But, fortunately, we have a drink like whiskey, which can help to overcome stress! Whiskey reduces anxiety and stress, calms the nerves and helps to relax your body. This alcoholic beverage increases the level of blood circulation in your body, providing your organs fresh, full of oxygen blood. 50-100 ml of whisky can really help you calm your nerves!

7. Improves memory.—The antioxidants in whiskey can help to improve the condition of your brain, as a result of the fact that this drink increases the level of blood circulation in your body, your memory will work really better. The same properties that reduce the level of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia, keep your brain active and young.

8. Helps in digestion.– Did you know that for a long period of time the whiskey is used as a digestive aid? As a rule, it was used after a meal to help the body to relax after taking a heavy meal. Whiskey can reduce appetite, sparing you from overeating. It also reduces the risk of pain in the stomach and distress after taking a heavy meal.

9. Increases life expectancy.– Whisky is full of antioxidants, which are important for health, and these nutrients can extend your life by reducing risk of various diseases. Whiskey protects you from diseases, prevent the slow breakdown of important cells in your body – thereby prolongs your life.

10. Ideal for people suffering from diabetes.– Whiskey is a drink with zero carbs, so you can drink it and not worry about how it may affect the level of sugar in your blood. If you suffer from diabetes, even a double shot of whiskey is a great choice for you.

In conclusion, I want to remind you that excessive drinking is harmful to your health!

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