Home / Medicine / Doctors called protein sources for vegetarians

Doctors called protein sources for vegetarians

Медики назвали источники белка для вегетарианцевExperts have compiled a list of 10 foods of plant origin that are rich in protein and decorate menu of supporters of vegetarianism.

1. Pea protein

Acquired not so long ago, the popularity of protein, derived from yellow peas, is easily digested, and in addition is a source of arginine – an amino acid that the body uses to build muscle and other healthy amino acids.

2. Lentils

Besides the fact that lentils are an indispensable source of protein for all, vegetarianism, it still contains soluble fiber, which helps stabilize blood sugar levels and long time to maintain the feeling of satiety.

3. Pumpkin seeds

The pumpkin seeds contain amino acids, zinc, magnesium, iron and fiber. They’re a perfect addition to oatmeal, yogurt or salad.

4. Black beans

Black beans are a great source of folic acid, potassium, iron and fiber. These legumes can be added to soups, salads, and in Mexican cuisine.

5. Cannabis seeds

Hemp seeds are also protein rich in fiber, omega-3 fatty acids and magnesium. They can be used in any dish – in both salt and sweet.

6. Pace

Tempeh — a fermented soy product made from lightly boiled whole soy beans – great alternative to meat. The rate includes copper, manganese, calcium, iron and fiber. You can add it to salads or soups.

7. Almond paste

Almond paste contains a lot of fiber, calcium, potassium and iron, and at the same time, there’s little saturated fat. Almond paste can be added to cereal or smoothies or just spread on bread.

8. Walnuts

Walnuts contain many essential body nutrients – omega-3 fatty acids, copper, manganese and Biotin. In addition, the contents in nuts fiber and protein will allow longer maintain satiety.

9. Quinoa

White, red and black quinoa can be used in cooking and baking. It is necessary to know that quinoa must be thoroughly pre-washed, so the natural sheath of the plant contains saponins that are bitter.

10. Cereal

Porridge made from wholegrain oats — a great source of fiber, which helps to preserve the feeling of satiety. To diversify the diet, you can add in oatmeal, coconut milk, fruit, Chia seeds, pumpkin seeds or cinnamon.

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