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Weight: main causes and the best methods of disposal

8 obvious reasons why you can’t lose weight.You are trying to lose weight, dieting, doing sports, and they’re not going anywhere? It seems that the reason for this can be a hidden disease. MedicationSome medications can cause weight gain. Ideally, the doctor who prescribes the medicine must warn you about …

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Corn diet – extreme unloading of the body

Corn diet is an extreme diet, it is almost protein-free and fat-free. Polenta is one of the dietary products used to combat obesity. It should be noted that the diet on porridge made out of corn is considered strict and low-calorie system of weight loss, therefore use it without harm …

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This fruit slows down the aging process

Grapefruit slows aging by several mechanisms, eat at least a slice a day. We humans are so connected to nature, our health with products created by them that the ignoring, the replacement of fresh plant foods for processed (fast food, baked, fried, smoked, sweet drinks, etc.) is the cause of …

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The published list of diseases, due to which joint pains

Almost every man who has sore joints, releases the pain in arthritis, but according to doctors, he is deeply mistaken Most of us believe that the cause of diseased joints may be arthritis. However, British doctors have called 15 other reasons for the development of these pains, writes the Chronicle.Info …

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Stroke: doctors voiced, who is at risk

If desired, a minor stroke can be prevented – so say the doctors. A minor stroke is often called a precursor of stroke, and in some cases doctors warn patients that a seizure is a reason to immediately take care of your health, not to postpone it for “later”. In …

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Ten common symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Doctors recommend to pay attention to some symptoms that may indicate the development of multiple sclerosis. Multiple sclerosis is a disease based on the damage of the nervous system. More specifically, the outer sheath of nerves, performing a protective function, it leads to their complete destruction. The worst thing is …

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Allergy to poplar fluff: how to improve your health

Allergists gave some practical advice to those suffering from poplar fluff. The end of may and beginning of June in a large proportion of the population of towns and villages is terrible malaise caused by an Allergy to poplar fluff. By itself, poplar is the best tree from the point …

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So whether useful salt – free diet responsible doctors

Scientists have determined – salt-free diet is beneficial to health only in some cases. Researchers in different countries can not come to a consensus about whether there is benefit in the use of salt or not. Some scientists conducting a global study and come to the unequivocal conclusion — the …

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The whole truth about the “invigorating” drinks

Not every caffeine-containing beverage benefits, so if you need to cheer up, think 100 times before to drink the beverages advertised. From a technical point of view, caffeine from any source behaves similarly, as soon as enters the body, however, all drinks have a totally different feeling, writes the Chronicle.Info …

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