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The whole truth about the “invigorating” drinks

Вся правда о "бодрящих" напиткахNot every caffeine-containing beverage benefits, so if you need to cheer up, think 100 times before to drink the beverages advertised.

From a technical point of view, caffeine from any source behaves similarly, as soon as enters the body, however, all drinks have a totally different feeling, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference on HealthInfo.

What drink will invigorate the best?


He will make you live forever. And he can kill you. The caffeine content in this drink is to 1,500 milligrams per liter. However, systematic consumption at 1,000 milligrams per day of caffeine, theobromine and theophylline cause a person permanent need in them, resembling alcohol addiction.

However, in case of moderate coffee consumption improves short-term attention and ability to concentrate, especially when the person is tired. At the same time increases productivity, improves memory and even mood.

And yet this wonderful drink significantly reduces the risk of developing liver cirrhosis and even breast cancer.

By the way, a recent study by American scientists showed that when switching from regular coffee to decaf productivity in one of the local companies fell by 19%.


Tea is a complex combination of substances that have diverse effects on the human body. The number of chemical compounds, included in its composition, is about three hundred, some of which have not yet been identified, but the biochemical role of some of them are defined only in General terms.

The combined effect of tannin and caffeine contained in tea, leading to normalization of the heart, expanding blood vessels, eliminate spasms, normalize blood pressure and improve blood circulation.

And yet this drink normalizes digestion, has a strong bactericidal action and has a beneficial effect on the tone of the gastrointestinal tract.

Stimulating effect that has tea, and leads to improved metabolism and improved body tone.

Energy drinks

Such tonic drinks contain substances often caffeine or guarana extract, theobromine and theophylline, as well as carbohydrates — glucose or sucrose.

Part of energy drinks taurine causes a lot of doubt among physicians, but scientists say that in the quantities in which it is contained in drinks, taurine is safe for health.

Energy drinks contain large amounts of carbonic acid, which promotes rapid absorption of nutrients, but is mainly used for safe canning liquid.

However, the caffeine content in energy drinks is lower than in the same amount of natural coffee.

Like other stimulants, energy drinks are a simple scheme: to pull out from the body reserves are large amounts of energy, which leads to the inevitable exhaustion of the nervous system and metabolic disorders.

In General, this is not an option.

Sweet drinks

Cola and similar drinks do not have a tonic action and contain a lethal dose of sugar. Do not recommend.


British scientists have found that drinking two cups of hot chocolate a day for one month improves blood flow to the brain, stimulates memory and mental activity.

Cocoa is able to treat depression, improve health, and is even an aphrodisiac.

And yet this drink is damn good taste!

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