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Weight: main causes and the best methods of disposal

Лишний вес: основные причины и лучшие способы избавления8 obvious reasons why you can’t lose weight.

You are trying to lose weight, dieting, doing sports, and they’re not going anywhere?

It seems that the reason for this can be a hidden disease.


Some medications can cause weight gain. Ideally, the doctor who prescribes the medicine must warn you about possible side effects. But, if the doctor did not, weight gain may become for you an unpleasant surprise. Most often, this effect of steroids are prescribed for rheumatic arthritis and some other diseases. Steroids, firstly, stimulate appetite, and secondly, affect the deposition of fat – especially on the face, shoulders, stomach. Similar effect of some antidepressants and antihistamines. Contribute to fat deposition and weight gain also sedatives.

The decision

If the weight gain coincided with the beginning of reception of a new drug, consult your doctor and discuss with him alternative methods of treatment. But, even if the other medicines in your case to pick, don’t be discouraged: once the treatment is over, you will be able to lose weight.

Intolerance to certain foods

The question of whether intolerance of any products to cause significant weight gain, is still being discussed. While it is proved only that such intolerance can cause swelling, which take place if the person refuses the “problem” food. The fact is that certain foods are poorly absorbed by the body, reducing the metabolic rate.

The decision

Celebrate the symptoms. If you just started to get better, it does not mean that you have a food intolerance. But if weight gain is accompanied by swelling, pain in joints, headache and vomiting, it speaks in favor of intolerance.

Keep a food diary. Mark it, when and what you ate, to trace the relationship of your condition and the food you ate. Most often at risk of fall flour (especially wheat) and dairy products.

Consult an allergist or a dietitian. If you just started to get better, it does not mean that you have a food Allergy. To clarify the situation we need to have mandatory testing.

Problems with the thyroid gland

According to statistics, one out of 50 women suffering from thyroid disease. If the thyroid gland is not working sufficiently intense, it does not produce enough hormones, which are responsible for metabolism. As a result, it slows down and you start to gain weight even if you watch your diet. Other symptoms of hypoactive thyroid – dry pale skin, hair loss, pain in muscles and joints, memory loss, constant fatigue and feeling cold.

The decision

First of all, consult your doctor, who should offer to take a blood test for hormone levels. If it is low, you can assign the administration of thyroxin. Unfortunately, the standard analysis identifies only a very low level of hormones, if they are a little below standard, then the test may not show it. Therefore, if the analysis is normal, but the overall condition is bothering you, contact your endocrinologist for further examination.

Not excreted from the body fluid

Many women before menstruation gain 2-3 pounds due to the fact that the body accumulate fluid. This is perfectly normal. However, if you swell a few times a month, in this case, you must look for other causes. Hormonal contraceptives, some antibiotics and steroids can interfere with the proper elimination of fluids from the body. The result is swelling, there is excess weight, and his wrists, ankles and fingers can pripuhnut, especially towards the end of the day.

The decision

You need to determine whether the cause of edema disease of the thyroid gland, lymph system, kidney or heart failure. If nothing serious is discovered, reduce the amount of salt, as well as canned, smoked, fatty foods.

Ovarian disease

About 40% of women with polycystic complain about the extra weight. In this disease the ovaries increase, and around them formed cysts. This leads to hormonal changes. Symptoms of polycystic can be acne, increased hair growth on the face and body, irregular menstruation, inability of pregnancy. Weight gain due to polycystic is a kind of vicious circle. Hormonal imbalance affects the metabolism and increases insulin levels which leads to weight gain. And the higher the weight, the heavier the overall condition of the body.

The decision

If you get better, can’t lose weight and found one or more of these symptoms, contact your gynecologist and do examination. Most likely, you will prescribe medications and will select the low-carb, high-protein diet.

Blame genes

Due to natural characteristics some people gain weight and harder to get rid of him. Genetics – the science is very young, and while it is not known exactly how and which genes affect a person’s weight. However, scientists suggest that genetics determines how the body processes food and regulates appetite. That is why someone need to saturate more food, and someone- less. In addition, genes determine how the person get fat. And although genetics is associated with the inclination to be overweight, that doesn’t mean you can’t change the situation.

The decision

Give preference to foods low in fat. Increase your protein intake and reduce carbohydrate intake. Protein foods gives a long feeling of satiety. However, no carbohydrate is also impossible: they contain nutrients that the body needs.

Avoid drinking alcohol. First, alcoholic drinks are high in calories. Secondly, they provoke the feeling of hunger. And, thirdly, in a state of intoxication, you lose willpower and, most likely, will be in unlimited quantities is something that usually limit myself.

Exercise. It is best to alternate aerobic exercise with strength training. This will help you to burn calories and build muscle. And the bigger the muscle, the more calories burned.

The pituitary gland

The pituitary is a gland located at the base of the brain that controls many other glands in the body and also produces hormones that control growth and water balance. Our pituitary gland the size of a pea, but it is very important for the normal functioning of the body. And if something is not right (often it could be a tumor), immediately appear a variety of problems, including weight gain. The tumor causes the pituitary gland produce too many hormones, which always leads to weight gain. Most often, fat is stored in the chest and abdomen. Other symptoms – hair loss, absence of menstruation, dry thin skin, the appearance of stretch marks.

The decision

Consult a doctor to conduct a survey. If you find a tumor, you will be done surgical operation, it is also possible to assign radiotherapy or steroids.

You chose the wrong diet

Low-calorie diets promise rapid weight loss but often lead to the opposite effect. First and foremost, we are trying to get rid of fat. But if the body receives very few calories, it begins to operate in the storage mode and, conversely, lays the fats. You lose weight, but only at the expense of the liquid. To lose fat, you need a lot of time, and the diet cannot sit for a long time. This means that as soon as you return to a normal diet, gain the weight lost.

The decision

Understand that to lose weight quickly and forever from diets that promise for a week to relieve you of a few kilograms, it is impossible. Instead, once and for all, develop for yourself a healthy eating plan, which would allow you to feel good.

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