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Corn diet – extreme unloading of the body

Кукурузная диета – экстремальная разгрузка организмаCorn diet is an extreme diet, it is almost protein-free and fat-free.

Polenta is one of the dietary products used to combat obesity.

It should be noted that the diet on porridge made out of corn is considered strict and low-calorie system of weight loss, therefore use it without harm for health it is recommended only in extreme cases and no more than two times per year.

Polenta is a valuable source of useful substances and microelements. The composition of grains contain vitamins b, PP, vitamin E, vitamin A, amino acids (tryptophan, lysine), silicon, and iron. Cereals also contain dietary fiber, which contributes to efficient excretion of toxins and cleanse the colon from decay products. In addition, corn porridge contributes to efficient excretion of fat and reduce bad cholesterol in the blood. The diet of corn porridge is very popular among dieters. It lasts four days. After the diet lost about four pounds overweight.

First day. During the day you need to eat 400 grams of corn porridge and to drink plenty of fluids – preferably in the form of water. In addition, you can eat an Apple, cucumber and tomato.

The second day. Repeated menu the first day.

The third day. During the day you can eat corn porridge (200 grams). Additionally, you can make a salad of tomatoes and cucumbers. Allowed to add to a salad of mushrooms, but not more than 150 grams. Salad can fill with lemon juice and decorate with greens. Vegetable oil during the diet should not be consumed. You can drink in a large amount of water and green tea.

Fourth day. Repeats the menu of the third day. To use this diet more than four days is not recommended, as it is very low in calories – no more than 1300 calories a day. It is exactly so much, how many calories are in corn cereal (400 grams).

There is another variant of diet on corn porridge. It is based on the use for few days only corn porridge. Porridge should be prepared in water without added sugar, salt, oil and seasonings.

During the day there is only porridge in the small portions. Per day should drink about one and a half liters of fluid. It can be drinking water, green tea or herbal teas. This mono-diet will bring good results only in case, if you stick to it at least three days. During this time, you can easily get rid of five to seven pounds of excess weight. If you do not want to sit on a corn diet, you can include corn porridge in the daily menu, without changing your diet. And the extra pounds slowly but surely go away.

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