Home / Medicine / The published list of diseases, due to which joint pains

The published list of diseases, due to which joint pains

Обнародован перечень болезней, из-за которых болят суставыAlmost every man who has sore joints, releases the pain in arthritis, but according to doctors, he is deeply mistaken

Most of us believe that the cause of diseased joints may be arthritis. However, British doctors have called 15 other reasons for the development of these pains, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to Comments.

1. Stretching and tearing. A sprain is damage to the muscles, but the breaks are often associated with injuries to the ligaments. Such as sprains and tears are very painful, they often cause pain in the joints.

2. Inflammation of the tendons. Excessive strain on the tendons can cause inflammation or irritation that will lead to tendinitis (inflammation and degeneration of tissues tendons), which causes pain outside of joints.

3. The bursitis. This inflammation is filled with slime bags in the joint, which often occurs because of repetition of the same movements. The pain with bursitis occurs when moving, it often leads to immobility of the whole joint.

4. Of traumatic injury. The main symptom of joint injury is pain. Trauma can be in the form of bone displacement or fracture. Physical trauma to the joint can result via many years, leading to post-traumatic osteoarthritis, which is characterized by very severe pain.

5. Infection. Typically, infections cause one or more classic symptoms like fatigue, fever, rash, loss of appetite. But some bacterial or viral infection also cause joint pain. Talking about gonorrhea, staphylococci, pneumonia, tuberculosis, hepatitis, HIV and many others.

6. Hypothyroidism. Thyroid hormones affect the proliferation and division of bone and cartilage at the cellular level. Therefore, reduced thyroid function or hypothyroidism may cause abnormalities in these tissues and joint pain.

7. Lupus. Chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease, most often manifested by a rash on the face. This disease can affect other body systems, including joints, causing intense pain.

8. Fibromyalgia. Chronic pain in joints, muscles and tendons, combined with extreme fatigue – here are two classic symptoms of fibromyalgia. This pain is usually not associated with any other causes, but often she is accompanied by insomnia, memory problems and mood swings.

9. Bone cancer. Most often, these tumors develop in the long bones of the hands and feet in the first 20 years of life in the period of maximum skeletal growth. Pain in bones and joints – the first sign of bone cancer in children.

10. Sarcoidosis. It is an inflammation of the body tissues, most often affecting the lungs and lymph nodes on the skin. However in some people the disease causes pain in the muscles and joints.

11. The osteonecrosis. The loss of blood in the bones can cause them to die. This condition, called osteonecrosis, is initially asymptomatic. But in the later stages of affected bones and the surrounding the joints causing severe pain.

12. Systemic vasculitis. Inflammatory disorders of muscles and joints, which is characterized by a sudden onset of sharp pain common and rigidity of the muscles and joints, mainly the neck, shoulders and hips.

13. Scleroderma. Autoimmune disorder characterized by excessive collagen production. Most often affects the skin on the hands and face. In systemic sclerosis necrosis starts in the internal organs, including the digestive tract, lungs, kidneys, heart, blood vessels, muscles and even joints.

14. Hypertrophic pulmonary osteoarthropathy. This condition is characterized by deformation of the nails, painful inflammation of the connective tissue surrounding the bones, excessive proliferation of the skin and pain in swollen joints.

15. Side effects from medication. Some of the drugs in the list of side effects includes pain in joints. It is frequently observed in those patients who receive medication from the group of aromatase inhibitors to treat breast cancer. Joint pain happens in patients taking the antidepressant mirtazapine. Medications for lowering cholesterol statins also can cause the characteristic sensations in the fingers, muscles and sometimes joints.

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