Home / Medicine / So whether useful salt – free diet responsible doctors

So whether useful salt – free diet responsible doctors

Так ли полезна бессолевая диета - отвечают медикиScientists have determined – salt-free diet is beneficial to health only in some cases.

Researchers in different countries can not come to a consensus about whether there is benefit in the use of salt or not. Some scientists conducting a global study and come to the unequivocal conclusion — the salt harm the body and increases the risk of heart attack and stroke and other diseases of the cardiovascular system. Others are sure that person is vital to use salt, though in an amount of 5-6 g per day and no more, writes the Chronicle.Info with reference to the Correspondent.

Now, many people who want to lose weight, be on the side salt-free diet. And all because it is truly effective. Her secret lies in the fact that the lack of salt in the human body allows the fluid to linger and to leave on time. As a result you can lose up to 1kg a day, which should please the one who wants to become slimmer in a short period of time.

That diet means “without salt”?

On this diet excludes meats, pickles, sausage and hot dogs, chips, canned goods, sauces, condiments, and all other products, having in its composition salt.

It is important

Fully from the salt should not give up, because according to many studies, scientists have identified a correlation between the lack of salt in the human body and the risk of premature death for one reason or another.

Cons salt-free diet

The main disadvantages of the diet “without salt” lies in the fact that losing weight is difficult to eat unsalted food, so he can quickly worsen the mood and he is likely to abandon the diet. Next and no less important disadvantage of the salt-free diet is the fact loss need to body fluid. This means that we can begin the process of dehydration in the body and the person will not lose fat, and water. The result that immediately after the diet dropped pounds come back, and also you may experience problems such as: constipation, aging skin, fatigue and so on. So during a salt-free diet is necessary to drink more than 2 liters of water per day. Yes, and to sit on such a diet the doctors do not recommend longer than two weeks.

Indications to diet, “no salt”

In General, nutritionists recommend eliminating salty foods from the diet to those people who suffer from excessive swelling, but they should drink plenty of water. Also, it is useful to abandon the excessive use of salt and salty foods high blood pressure. Doctors believe that excess salt in the body leads to increased blood pressure, and the rejection of it contributes to its stabilization.

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