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Products, slimming in the waist area

Beans, peas, and peanuts get rid of fat around the waist. As you know, beans contain a lot of fiber, which blunts hunger by creating volume in the stomach. Also, legumes are rich in special substances the flavonoids, which prevent the formation of fat cells in the abdominal wall. Pear …

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Seven reasons to consider coffee a healthy drink

A great reason to drink a Cup of coffee. Coffee not only warms and tones, it can be extremely beneficial to health. In the last years and decades, scientists have studied the effects of coffee on human health and results can be called surprising. The following are seven reasons why …

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Scientists call the products that protect against cancer

They must be present in the daily human diet. Experts from the American Institute for cancer research has made the shortlist of the products of cancer, which should be present in the daily human diet. It turns out that individually, no one, even the most useful product, does not protect …

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The doctors explained why you can’t skip Breakfast

It’s a pretty bad habit. To skip Breakfast in a hurry going to work, is a usual thing in the modern world. However, it is morning meal, as the proverb says, and confirmed by recent studies, is extremely important to maintain a healthy weight, good mood and energy throughout the …

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These products should not eat in the heat

Summer diet has a number of features. This is due to the weather conditions: heat, heat and stuffiness. It was at this time of the year people drink a lot more water, trying to include in your diet a variety of fruits, vegetables and berries which also contain a lot …

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Simple exercises to restore vision

They should make anyone who spends a lot of time at the computer. Today many people spend at the computer most of the working time. This requires a maximum voltage of the eye, from what we experience discomfort, dryness, fatigue. These seemingly minor symptoms are the first signs of deterioration. …

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The reason for the addiction can be childhood trauma

Doctors called one of the major causes of addiction. American scientists have proved experimentally that childhood traumas can push the person to the use of narcotic substances. One of the scientific journals published the results of this study. The staff of the research Institute conducted a survey among teenagers from …

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