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Products, slimming in the waist area

Продукты, способствующие похудению в области талииBeans, peas, and peanuts get rid of fat around the waist.

As you know, beans contain a lot of fiber, which blunts hunger by creating volume in the stomach.

Also, legumes are rich in special substances the flavonoids, which prevent the formation of fat cells in the abdominal wall.

Pear is a wonderful and also low-calorie dessert. They are suitable for snacking. Also, like beans, pear — sources of fiber and flavonoids.

Popcorn without butter and salt is a great “brush” for the intestines. What is the secret? That he made from healthy whole grains of corn. And, therefore, has a lot of fiber.

Love potatoes, and you find it hard to give it up? Don’t do this! Only eat cold cooked potatoes. The fact that in a cooled state is formed more resistant starch crystals — and these are the same fibers that help the body to burn more calories and put less belly fat.

Hard to believe, but high-calorie peanuts can help lose weight. The explanation is simple — nuts contain healthy fats. They are more desirable than the fat in cake or candy. But peanuts must not be abused: 50 grams of nuts a day is enough for one meal.

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