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Named the best free remedy for wrinkles

Experts have told that can restore the skin absolutely for free. In order to avoid the appearance of wrinkles on your face you need to follow just four simple rules on your lifestyle. One of them scientists was named the best cure for wrinkles. This discovery was made by scientists …

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The doctors explained why cheese is good for teeth

Doctors told about the benefits of cheese on dental health. Dairy is vital for the functioning of the organism as a whole and is particularly necessary for bone health. Very few studies have been devoted to how dairy products affect the health of the mouth, but now American scientists have …

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Women after 65 years alcohol good – doctors

Doctors told about the benefits of alcohol for older women. It turned out that regular consumption of alcoholic fluids can help the body to fight a number of diseases. Dose of the drink should be moderate. During the implementation of the study, the researchers determined the dependence of longevity from …

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Named a way to cleanse lungs for heavy smokers

Experts told how to clear lungs after years of Smoking. Smoking is a harmful habit, get rid of that very difficult. Even the people who did it for a long time have to suffer the consequences of Smoking. In particular, many are concerned the characteristic cough. He may not leave …

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Named products, cleansing the blood vessels from clots

Doctors told what foods improve the permeability of blood vessels. This vegetable and berry has incredible properties and can help people with weak hearts. As studies have shown, they contain the pigment lycopene. And it restores damaged diseases of the blood vessels and increases their permeability. An experiment was conducted …

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Doctors have come up with a novel way of lowering blood glucose

Scientists figured out how to stabilize the level of glucose in the blood. Yoga reduces oxidative stress level, blood pressure, positive effect on lung function, the autonomic nervous system, sleep and quality of life. Experts analyzed data from 25 studies conducted in different countries. The analysis showed that yoga is …

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Named products to cleanse the body of toxins

The doctors told me what to eat to cleanse the body of toxins. Recently detox diets cleansing and fasting beat all records of popularity. When we cleanse our body from toxins, it starts to run much better — metabolism improves and we feel a surge of energy. Grapefruit. This wonderful …

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