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Women after 65 years alcohol good – doctors

Женщинам после 65 лет алкоголь полезен, - медикиDoctors told about the benefits of alcohol for older women.

It turned out that regular consumption of alcoholic fluids can help the body to fight a number of diseases.

Dose of the drink should be moderate. During the implementation of the study, the researchers determined the dependence of longevity from alcohol. As stated by the physicians, women whose age is more than 65 years, should use alcohol of the emulsion in small volumes. Also the doctors said that elderly women can increase their life expectancy thanks to regular alcohol intake.

In particular, experts stated that 5 small doses of alcohol drunk during the week, helps to reduce the risk of sudden death.

It should be noted that the probability of death is reduced by as much as 27%. If we talk about men, certain useful properties of the alcoholic beverage is for those men who are in the age range 50-64 years.

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