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Doctors called the healthy oil

It has earned the title the olive oil. Daily every woman uses some kind of oil while cooking. As a rule, we buy the sunflower, because we believe it is useful and inexpensive. But doctors have a different opinion. The most useful oil for cooking they call olive. First, it …

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Scientists told about the use of “bad” cholesterol

Cholesterol does not affect life expectancy. Experts have discovered that people with high levels of “bad cholesterol” in fact do not live less than their peers with a low quantity in the blood, such cholesterol. Experts analyzed previous studies involving more than 68,000 people over the age of 60. Scientists …

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Proven ways to get rid of the summer Blues

At this time of year, many people feel unhappy. Every summer a psychologist treating people who have symptoms of despair, because, in their own words, “they are not as happy as I would like”. One of the patients, which we’ll call Chris, for example, complains that this year will not …

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Named best diet for lovers of peaches

Delicious and easy weight loss. The peach diet – easy weight loss for hot days. Even during short diet nutritionists recommend exercise and take extra complex vitamins. Do not forget to drink plenty of water. Diet peach diet Day 1 Your diet must consist only of peaches. Divide 1 kg …

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Named best exercise to strengthen the heart

The heart also needs to be trained. Your heart is a muscle and it gets stronger and healthier if you lead an active lifestyle. It’s never too late to start training. How to ensure that they went only benefit, suggest experts. Even a walk for 30 minutes every day can …

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How to protect your heart from the summer heat

Hot sun, high humidity and well-being do not improve. In the heat of the heart faces an additional burden – vessels dilate, the pressure falls. To ensure normal blood flow it works in the strengthened mode. So in the summer it is important to pay special attention to the health …

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The first signs and symptoms of heart attack in women

In the case of women doctors say about atypical heart attack symptoms that may be confused with symptoms of other diseases.According to one survey, about half of women who suffered a heart attack, recently had difficulty sleeping. From cardiovascular diseases (which include, in particular, a heart attack affects both men …

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Which is why there is tinnitus and how to get rid of it

Why ringing in the ears and how to deal with it.We often hear other sounds? And sometimes it seems that ears drives a locomotive? Oddly enough, ringing in the ears is not always indicative of hearing, and quite often in the (seemingly) innocent to the problem is fraught with serious …

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Headache treatment folk remedies

Take care of your health. Treatment of folk remedies for headache can be effective if it takes into account the nature of the pain. But in order to know why headache, you first need to consult a doctor. Best of all, if the doctor will advise you the most suitable …

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