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Safe house: tips to combat household allergens

5 ways to get rid of household allergens.Most people sometimes without knowing it, suffer from household allergies. How to get rid of, and most importantly, what causes it in the home and to neutralize allergens. MoldBasement, bathroom and other places in the home where moisture builds up can create a …

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The main symptoms of breast cancer

Symptoms of breast cancer: what you need to know.There are several signs that may indicate the presence of malignancies in the chest area. And although none of these symptoms is not an absolute symptom of breast cancer, with detection of one or more of them recommend that you consult with …

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Nine signs that you eat too much sugar

The norm is 6 teaspoons of sugar a day. You try to control the amount of sugar in the diet, but even if you stay away from sweet carbonated beverages, you are eating more sugar than you think. Find out the typical signs that you eat too much sugar. If …

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Who often have nightmares and how to deal with them

Scientists conducted a study to find out how people most often have scary dreams. It should be noted that dreams are the cause of many scientific disputes. Their study is oneirology. Ideally, a person needs to spend sleeping 7-8 hours a day. It is believed that during this time the …

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The main causes of summer colds and ways of treating it

A summer cold can be particularly dangerous. A cold is considered a winter disease, but according to statistics, about 20% of colds falls on the warm season. Summer cold is not easier than the winter, and so dangerous complications. In the heat, oddly enough, colds are far less frequent than …

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Cinnamon helps in fighting with serious diseases of the brain

It inhibits biomechanical, cellular and anatomical changes in the brain. Scientists of the Medical center rush University have found that ordinary cinnamon has special properties. It inhibits biomechanical, cellular and anatomical changes in the brain characteristic of Parkinson’s disease. The study found that after taking cinnamon orally she was metaboliziruemah …

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Identified the main causes of health problems

People often neglect their health. Unfortunately, health problems occur in every person. This is facilitated by different reasons, from the effects of environmental factors to deeper social problems. As one of them can be considered stressful, fast pace of life of modern man. Not enough time for anything, not to …

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