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Discovered the relationship between sleep in infants and their subsequent development

Обнаружена взаимосвязь между сном у младенцев и их дальнейшим развитиемAn interesting study by British scientists.

According to scientists, the key to learning and memory development in the first year of life is a long baby.

Researchers from the University of Sheffield was watched for 216 babies aged up to 12 months. Playing with the kids and encouraged if they remembered and learned simple movements of dolls, dressed in hand. They showed three different tasks. Of the children after such jobs slept four hours or not slept or dozed for 30 minutes.

It turned out that the children who had prolonged sleep, was able to remember the 1.5 jobs, and children who are not sleeping, are unable to remember anything at all. Experts believe that this information is very relevant and speaks about the importance of sleep in infancy. Have never studied the impact of sleep on memory development in the first year of life. Researchers believe that in the first 12 months the sleep has a major impact on the development of memory than later in life. Therefore it is very important to do and to read to a child before bedtime.

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