Home / Medicine / The main causes of summer colds and ways of treating it

The main causes of summer colds and ways of treating it

Главные причины летней простуды и способы ее леченияA summer cold can be particularly dangerous.

A cold is considered a winter disease, but according to statistics, about 20% of colds falls on the warm season. Summer cold is not easier than the winter, and so dangerous complications.

In the heat, oddly enough, colds are far less frequent than in the cold, and their consequences can be more serious, the doctor said Victoria Savitskaya.

Summer colds recorded no less than in the winter, but there is work most other factors. And to catch the disease much easier! In the heat under high temperature of the pores on the skin are disclosed, and why the body becomes more susceptible to various pathogenic factors, because the risk of developing respiratory diseases is much higher.

Summer colds often turn into pneumonia, bronchitis and other troubles, besides, when the cold penetrates the muscles, due to temperature difference there may be inflammation of muscle tissue, which causes a very painful sensation.

Causes a summer cold

Cold drinks

In the scorching heat most people dream only about a Cup of cold water or any other cool beverage. However, in the desire to remove thirst, many forget that drinking icy drinks in the heat is very dangerous. As for the throat this is a real frost shock. If the mucous membrane of the throat strongly supercooled, it loses the ability to resist viruses and bacteria.

Iced beverage thirst quencher, but not for long. So, do not hurry to drink cold water. Wait a while after get a drink from the fridge, give him a little warm. If in the summer you often buy ice cream, eat it melted.

Icy drinks are fraught with not only strep throat, but the stomach cramp and the coffee leaches the body of minerals, which the body, and so loses through sweat.

In the summer weather, sweating becomes more intense, resulting in the body is starved of fluid. The result is reduced performance, deteriorating mood, the person feels lethargic and sleepy. Besides, with the shortage of water slows down metabolism and deteriorates the functioning of the internal organs, because all biochemical processes in our body occur in the aquatic environment.

“Normal, “healthy”, the rate of consumption of pure water daily is 1.5-2 liters. But in the heat of this figure should be significantly increased. To avoid dehydration, need to drink constantly for a few SIPS throughout the day. Without waiting for thirst, because when it occurs, it means that the liquid is not enough already catastrophically. The first glass of water you need to drink more in the morning, immediately after waking up. First, it will launch the work of the body and peristalsis of the intestine, the second will accelerate the metabolism, thirdly fill the shortage of fluid in the body and will help to quickly Wake up”, – the doctor advises Victoria Savitskaya.

Specialist recommends that you always in the heat to carry in my bag a bottle of water and drink constantly on the way to work or study in small SIPS.

It is also important to remember that in hot weather, do not drink ice water, even if you really want to cool. Because of the difference of the temperatures easily freeze the throat, besides the cold liquid will irritate the stomach wall. Besides, this drink reduces the blood supply to the gastric mucosa, and the body will take more energy to heat it to body temperature.

To quickly quench your thirst – drink water and herbal teas at room temperature, then the faster they will be “absorbed” in the stomach wall and enter the cells, and you will feel relief.

“Enough to determine whether your body fluids by the color of urine. Than darker it is, the more the body needs water. But since then lost not only liquid, but also trace elements and minerals, it is desirable to continually renew their shortage. Of course, you can buy special sets or Supplements at the pharmacy, but much easier and cheaper during the day to drink a few bottles of mineral water,” says the doctor.

In the heat need to give up alcoholic beverages (fraught with not only heart problems, but also heat stroke), coffee (removes minerals from the body) and soft drinks. They are not able to quench their thirst, but only strengthen it.

Air conditioning

How nice to come home from the scorching heat and relax in a room where air conditioning works. However, this holiday can cause a cold. The air that incessantly circulates around the room, dries the mucous membrane of the nose and destroys your protective barrier against viruses and infections. And cold air conditioning only increases the number of viruses.

Don’t do in my apartment the temperature of the air cooler 21. It is better that the difference between the air temperature indoors and outdoors, does not exceed 7ºС.

If entering the house from the street, you immediately find yourself in a room where the air conditioner is running, it can be extremely dangerous to your health. This is especially true of people with weakened immune systems, senior citizens and children.

It is also important to remember that air is in any case impossible to leave for the night.
The solution to this situation is simple – you need to cool gradually: if in the street +35, the air conditioner should be set to 27-28 degrees, it will give some relief.

Besides the home or office you can wipe the whiskey with cold water (or even attach pieces of ice). Also if you put under running cold water elbow, knees (unless, of course, allows the clothes to cool the same way the head, you will immediately become easier.


In the summer many people love to travel. And rightly so. But you can approach any trip with great care. Coming to a new place, you find yourself in the risk zone. Because here you will find a couple of new viruses.

To protect yourself from viruses and infections that have plagued you during trips, to avoid drying out the mucous membranes of the nose and throat. On the plane bring sprays and nose drops, try to drink more water. In the first days of vacation, when your body is most vulnerable to various viruses and infections do not plan vigorous activity. It is recommended to take vitamin C during the first days of vacation

A cold shower

In the heat many people prefer a cold shower, but extreme temperatures can cause exacerbation of heart problems or blood vessels, besides, threatened with catarrhal diseases, because upon returning home from the hot street, with a shower it is necessary to wait.

Many of us, returning home from work in a stuffy transport or walking down the street on the hot asphalt from the store, only dream about how to quickly take a cool shower. But the doctors categorically forbid it, especially for people suffering from heart disease and having problems with pressure or vascular system.

“In hot weather, the body loses not only fluid, but trace elements, and together with them – and vitality. That is to keep internal resources and not create unnecessary stressful situations. Once our bodies warmed up under the sun’s rays at a temperature of 35 degrees, in any case can not immediately get under a cool shower – it’s a real shock to the cardiovascular system. No matter how much you wanted to cool off, wait for 10 minutes before the body is even slightly wakes up. At this time it is better to do something distracting – browse the program guide for the evening, water the flowers, call a friend,” advises the doctor Victoria Savitskaya

The shower can be cool, but not icy, otherwise, and a heart attack nearby. Ideally, you need to constantly change the temperature from cool to warm, creating a slight contrast. A little cool water will lower your body temperature and warm shower will create the illusion that the room is not as hot.

Treatment of summer colds

Treatment of a cold summer has some features that should be considered patient. Treatment of summer colds usually takes more time. And all because in winter people more is no traffic and enjoy resting in a warm bed, in contrast to the summer of treatment here is very hard to resist and not to get out of bed.

Also most people are easier to summer colds, believing that she held herself. Therefore, a person experiencing great physical exertion, prevents the weakened body to quickly cope with the disease. For that summer cold was easier and faster passed, you must create the patient all the necessary conditions.

Drink plenty of liquids warm, but not hot. As is known, a quick recovery is required to drink adequate amounts of fluid per day to prevent dehydration and speed up the cleansing the body from germs. But if in winter you should drink hot drinks in the summer it is recommended to replace them warm.

Gargling. This method was always used, and continues to enjoy success even with the abundance of drugs. Rinse in the summer you can use fresh decoction of chamomile, sage, calendula, and use salt and iodine.

Loading dose of vitamin C is required for summer colds, which is especially easy to provide the body with an abundance of fresh fruit and berries: currants, raspberries, strawberries, blueberries. They can be eaten as fresh and to make berry juice.

Fresh air — the benefits of summer is that colds have the opportunity to provide the patient with a sufficient volume of fresh air. Therefore, for summer colds will perfectly suit a leisurely stroll through the streets.

The sun is well suited as a warming up procedures. It is important not to overheat in the sun and don’t get in addition to the cold sun.

Drugs. They must appoint a physician after examination of the patient. In the treatment of summer colds the patient should implement all recommendations of the attending physician and not to self-medicate.

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