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Natural smoothies for weight loss

8 a perfect smoothie for weight loss. Losing weight (too full) is required to reduce the risk of various health problems like aching knees, cardiopathy, problems with menstruation, diabetes, kidney problems, etc. Read about these amazing smoothies for weight loss and use these simple recipes in your diet. 1. Smoothies …

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This vegetable will help to restore eyesight

Broccoli contains a compound that helps to purify the cells from environmental toxins. Eating broccoli is the key to good vision, as well as to curb the development of blindness, say the authors of a new study. The results published in the Journal Scientific Reports, a summary of discovered the …

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Scientists explained how time of year affects the mood

A study by canadian scientists. Canadian researchers found changes in the activity of the metabolism of the neurotransmitter serotonin depending on the time of year that may be the cause of seasonal fluctuations in mood and seasonal affective disorders. Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that transmits signals between nerve cells (neurons) …

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Named typical psychological problems of modern youth

Researchers have shown that the current generation of boys and girls has certain psychological problems. In particular, doctors were able to fix that young men and women are afraid of adult life. This became known after scientists have carried out several projects. It should be noted that the initiators of …

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Named as the main causes of morning headaches

Headache should not be tolerated. If you have a headache on a regular morning, this may be due to stress, fatigue or pillow. We will tell, why headache in the morning. Why headache in the morning: 6 reasons 1. StressHeadache in the morning after sleep can occur due to constant …

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Named the most “lazy” ways to lose weight

They make you burn fat even when you are just resting on the sofa. How to lose excess fat? There are a few options: join the fitness club, choose a diet… or maybe to force your body to burn excess body fat. There are foods that during digestion the human …

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Unexpected reasons that prevent healthy sleep

Quality sleep is essential to good health. You roll from side to side, but I can’t fall asleep? The reasons can be many. Meet the people that you would never think. Insomnia is a big problem. So great that the health Foundation believes that it suffers every third person. Of …

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