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This vegetable will help to restore eyesight

Этот овощ поможет восстановить зрениеBroccoli contains a compound that helps to purify the cells from environmental toxins.

Eating broccoli is the key to good vision, as well as to curb the development of blindness, say the authors of a new study.

The results published in the Journal Scientific Reports, a summary of discovered the beneficial properties of this green vegetable is written in the British newspaper The Daily Mail.

Broccoli contains a compound called indole-3-carbinol (I3C), which helps to purify the cells from environmental toxins. This happens due to the activation of protein allografting receptor (AhR), which, in fact, lead to chemical detoxification of the retina.

With age, the level of AhR is reduced, however, decreases the purity of the eye and its health. Unfortunately, the standard form I3C weakly activates the AhR, to fully take advantage of this connection would need to eat huge amounts of broccoli. Therefore, the staff of the Institute of the Tank under the guidance of Dr. Arvind of Ramanathan decided to “extract” individual therapeutic molecules that can be used directly for the treatment of age-related macular degeneration, a major cause of vision loss.

During research was found the compound with similar properties – AMINOPHENYL indole (2AI). The chemical composition is the same, I3C, but it is ten times more powerful and with greater force shimodate with AhR.

“2AI prevents cell death in the retina of mice that were exposed to light stress,” said study co-author Deepak Lamba, which is developing therapies based on stem cells for degenerative eye diseases. – Our next step is to study the functional results of treatment with 2AI. And I’m sure in the positive result, because environmental stress is a major factor contributing to age-related vision loss.”

In the course of this work, scientists have also come to the conclusion that the people for conservation should eat foods rich in palmitoleic acid (omega 7), such as nuts, fish, dairy products and vegetable oil.

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