Home / Medicine / Scientists have found a way to “turn off” the sense of appetite

Scientists have found a way to “turn off” the sense of appetite

Ученые нашли способ «отключать» чувство аппетитаA study by American scientists.

American scientists from the California Institute of technology concluded that in the brains of laboratory rats, there’s a section which controls the process of “switching on” and “off” feelings of appetite.

Specialists conducted a series of studies on the study of the functions of the brain, in which they managed to prove that if a certain area of the brain to impact with the use of medical laser, the amygdala in the brain of animals sends out a signal that “turns off” appetite. Thus, with the help found the “switch” is possible to block the feeling of hunger in animals.

Of course, these studies wasn’t the last, and for a more detailed study of the problem, scientists would have to conduct many experiments that will allow them to understand the mechanisms of obesity and anorexia.

After all, according to the world health statistics, annually in the world there is a growth in the number of patients with these diagnoses and, therefore, must deeply study and search for effective ways to prevent and control these diseases.

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