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Named the most “lazy” ways to lose weight

Названы самые «ленивые» способы похудения They make you burn fat even when you are just resting on the sofa.

How to lose excess fat? There are a few options: join the fitness club, choose a diet… or maybe to force your body to burn excess body fat.

There are foods that during digestion the human body literally causes the body to lose weight.
Fish oil. French scientists from the Laboratory of Biology of Nutrition conducted a study that found that people who replaced the normal fats in your diet for fish oil, the metabolism became significantly more intense. As a consequence, these people on average have lost 1 kilogram in 3 months, in no way changing your lifestyle and without making any special effort.

Protein (protein). Mark Hyman, author of “Ultrametabolism” writes: “Protein is burned during digestion “hotter” than other nutrients”. Science agrees with mark. In fact, on the digestion of protein foods the body needs energy. He draws from fat stores. For every 4 calories, eaten together with protein, the body will spend approximately 1 kilocalorie per it to learn.

Red pepper. Canadian experts from the University of Laval in Quebec stand up for spicy food. According to them, men, polypaudio your food with red pepper to burn 1000 more calories than those who abstain from spicy food. However, there are really a lot of pepper, need to be fully confident in the health of your liver.

Vitamin C. researchers from the University of Colorado (USA) found that vitamin C causes the metabolism to burn additional 100 calories in day. Not very much, but do not need to puff on the treadmill. Vitamin C-rich green pepper, tomatoes, kiwi, apples, black currants, cabbage, cranberries.

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