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For the first time in Ukraine, implanted an artificial heart

Expensive surgery was successful. At the heart Institute for the first time in Ukraine, implanted mechanical heart, about this in Facebook wrote to a cardiac surgeon Boris Todurov. “We did it! The first mechanical heart implanted in Ukraine at the heart Institute. The patient just went to the intensive care …

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As the upbringing of a child affects his future career

U.S. scientists found an Association of childhood with future job Chad. Employees of the University of Alabama studied the relationship of managers with employees. Scientists have discovered the relationship between styles of parenting and human behavior in the workplace. Scientists relied on the theory of the psychoanalyst John Bowlby. He …

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Doctors told how to cope with summer heat

The best tips for overcoming the temperature outside. How much fluid to consume? How to use conditioner? What temperature beverages to drink? Prefer hot shower or cold? You can quench your thirst sweet fizzy drinks? All of these questions can be answered, after reading the following 6 regulations for the …

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Scientists have proved the existence of eternal love

That love can only be short – fiction. They conducted research among couples who live together for many years, and denied the fact of short-term love relationships. Psychologists from the USA demonstrated experimentally that eternal love is true life and not fiction from fairy tales or movies. Romance between spouses …

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Time-tested traditional methods of treatment of pancreatitis

Top tips doctors for the treatment of this disease. In the treatment of acute and chronic pancreatitis, depending on the indications, can be used with both conservative and surgical approaches. Treatment of acute pancreatitis Conservative treatment of acute pancreatitis is carried out at a moderate severity of the disease and …

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Tasty and effective options cottage cheese diet

Recipes diets that will help keep your figure in shape. Low calorie cottage cheese diet is one of the most gentle and useful. In addition, in the summer it is transferred easier, because all dairy products cool the body and tone the entire circulatory system. Important: the diet will only …

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What can cause the lack of prohibitions for a child

A clear framework the framework contribute to the growth of a successful and healthy child. Understanding that in this life anything is possible, but something is impossible – it is very important for a child. Because it sets the framework and allows you to experience safety.. We do not love, …

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Scientists have discovered why people are born ugly

It turns out that the cause is stress. One possible cause of facial asymmetry is oxidative stress that the fetus experienced in the womb. The theory of “reasons for beauty”, proposed by American researchers, discusses the newspaper The Independent. “The scientists came to the conclusion that beauty and human sexuality …

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