Home / Medicine / Scientists have named the fatal disease, which can pick up with one breath

Scientists have named the fatal disease, which can pick up with one breath

Ученые назвали смертельную болезнь, которую можна подхватить с одного вдохаThe disease may secretly exist in the body of the victim.

Scientists have conducted studies which showed that dangerous melioidosis can be transmitted after one breath.

Melodos, he’s about SAP, Whitmore’s disease, is an acute infectious disease, which is caused by the bacteria Burkholderia pseudomallei. Every year from about Sapa die about 89 thousand people. Melodos characteristic for the countries of South-East Asia and Northern Australia, where it occurs as humans and animals.

The researchers conducted experiments on mice that allowed them to figure out what to infected with this infectious disease just one breath. Then during the day the bacteria possess the body.

It is reported that a fatal infection can a very long time to persist in a latent form. Known cases, when the disease started to progress, the patient is only 60 years after infection. Scientists say that the causative agent of melioidosis can either simply wait for the perfect occasion, or step by step to harm the health of the patient throughout his life.

Threat to the health of the bacteria Burkholderia pseudomallei is found in soil and water that have been contaminated with secretions of infected animals.

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