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What can cause the lack of prohibitions for a child

К чему может привести отсутствие запретов для ребенкаA clear framework the framework contribute to the growth of a successful and healthy child.

Understanding that in this life anything is possible, but something is impossible – it is very important for a child. Because it sets the framework and allows you to experience safety..

We do not love, when we ban something. And children in this plan is much more difficult than adults. But the sooner parents establish a certain framework, the easier it will be for everyone.

1. The lack of restrictions – lack of self-control.
After all, if people can’t control their desires and emotions – that makes him a hostage to their impulses and restricts freedom. Because to control himself, he can not, in principle, and the desire to have him in the main pulse and momentary, immediate satisfaction no matter what.

2. The increased anxiety.
Children who do not know the prohibitions, very often grow restless and anxious. Moreover, they often experience a sense of guilt because of this. Because a desire satisfied is often not make them happier, and the forces and resources to achieve their often spend a lot.

3. Fears.
If you do not give the child understand that some things can not be done, that will get the privilege of power. The child begins to think (often intuitively and unconsciously), if the father can stop me from anything, how will he be able to protect me from the dangers in the outside world? After all, if in my life no inhibitions, so others live, and someone can infringe on my health, my toys, etc.

4. Rules exist for all.
Society because it exists more or less peacefully, as invented General rules and prohibitions. And if nobody will disturb, it will disappear any danger and the world will become peaceful. The child must understand (even if is not the first time) that the rules are for everyone and they certainly need to perform. Each person has the freedom and right of choice, it is important not to infringe upon it at will. Moreover, mom and dad also have the right to freedom, the child needs to respect and understand.

5. Make the bans and regulations – difficult, but necessary.
The sooner your child will understand it – the faster and safer your life will decrease the number of tantrums, whims, etc. of Course, it will be difficult, and even for some time, the baby may suffer or provoke you. But parents need not to give and not to go on about – the kids are looking for authority, only in this case they feel relaxed and secure. It is therefore important that the authority for them was first and foremost parents, not the people.

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