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Psychologists suggested, as to interest the child in reading of books

Психологи подсказали, как заинтересовать ребенка в чтении книгHow to make your kids spent that summer to good use.

Summer has passed for equator, school is getting closer and closer comes to our children, but they have nothing to read during this time? Then the data Council will help to change that.

Find a stimulus
Can you think of a kind of reward for every read a book or Chapter. Moreover, from cash bonuses should be abandoned. Let an incentive for the child to be something related to her Hobbies. For example, a computer or Board game, a collectible figurine, a set of pencils.

Pick the right cover
Books for summer reading, the children usually are forced to take in the library. Yellowed pages, the Soviet example and the collapsed cover is unlikely to add son or daughter desires to become acquainted with the necessary work. Look with your child to the bookstore. Beautiful book modern publishing houses can be a fun and valuable gift for the baby. Let him choose the book, the cover of which it attracts.

Escape into nature
To sit in the four walls before the book, when your friends are playing and laughing – the more the test. That the child was not so lonely, ask her to go to the country or perhaps to the beach. Reading can be combined even with a trip to the sea. If you leave the city or nature is not possible, encourage your child to take the book to the yard, and grab the story of friends. Based on the works you can come up with a fun game – a treasure hunt. Use your fantasy!

Looking for an alternative
Remember yourself in high school. Probably on your conscience still have several unread works that you could not force yourself to master. Indeed, there are books that the child is difficult to read and uninteresting. But that is no reason to abandon the reading list for the summer! Just find an alternative way to get acquainted with the history. For example, ask the child to see the film come together at the performance delivered by the product. If the kid is interested, he will definitely want to read the book.

To change the format
Today, the book must be paper. Ask the child to read using your tablet or e-reader. Today’s children are faster at learning all sorts of gadgets, and therefore custom book can particularly capture the student.

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