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Scientists have discovered why people are born ugly

Ученые выяснили, почему люди рождаются некрасивымиIt turns out that the cause is stress.

One possible cause of facial asymmetry is oxidative stress that the fetus experienced in the womb.

The theory of “reasons for beauty”, proposed by American researchers, discusses the newspaper The Independent. “The scientists came to the conclusion that beauty and human sexuality is determined before birth”, – reported in the publication.

According to scientists from the United States, the main factor determining the degree of attractiveness of a person’s appearance, lies in the antioxidants and oxidative stress. In particular, biologists have established a clear correlation in the ratio of male attractiveness: the lower the level of markers of oxidative stress in the body of a man is, the more symmetrical his face, the more women like him.

The specialists defend the theory that unattractive human faces is associated with asymmetry in terms that unconsciously perceived as a violation and instinctively causes rejection. This asymmetry, in turn, associated with cell damage due to oxidation occurring in utero.

“One of the possible causes of facial asymmetry is oxidative stress that the fetus experienced in the womb,” said the scientists.

Experts say that oxidative stress is reflected in the excess of free radicals and lack of antioxidants: such an imbalance starts the process of damage in the DNA and tissues of the body.

“In some cases, oxidative stress is caused by mutations. Pregnant women oxidative stress can be caused by Smoking, infectious diseases”, – said the authors of the study.

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